July 2014,
Joaquim Luis
Since 14/02/04
Change color palette
Display plate boundaries, earthquakes, volcanoes, hydrothermal sites ...
Extract a grid profile
Extract a sub-region of a grid (grdcut)
Plot the Full resolution GSHHS coastline
Shade illuminations
Compute relative velocity of plate motions
Compute Euler Pole of rotation
Compute seismic deformation and interferogram of a multi-patch solution
Display seismicity in 3D view using Fledermaus
Seismicity from the ISC Bulletin - Part I
Seismicity from the ISC Bulletin - Part II
Download & plot CMT catalog focal mechanisms
Display the Earth magnetic field
Fine picking of a magnetic isochron
How to compute seismic elastic deformation
Micro-leveling magnetic data grid
Navigate through the Geomagnetic inversion time scale
Compute anual means from a stack of SST montly means
Compute month climatologies from a stack of SST montly means
Compute the time rate of change of an stack of SST data
Import a MODIS L2 SST HDF grid
Import a MODIS L3 SST HDF grid
Make a stack of L2 MODIS files
Make a stack of L3 MODIS files
SRTM Mosaic directly from Web
Make a GMT map with a couple of clicks
Compute Slope and Aspect
Compute Terrain Ruggedness, Roughness and Topographic Position Index
Crop grid with a irregular shape
Smooth multi-beam grid on the overlapping swath zone
Retrieve georeferenced imagery from virtual earth
Make GMT custom symbols (Part I)
Make GMT custom symbols (Part II)
Tsunami modeling
A simple example
A nested grids approach