/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: CMStateSet.hpp 901107 2010-01-20 08:45:02Z borisk $ */ #if !defined(XERCESC_INCLUDE_GUARD_CMSTATESET_HPP) #define XERCESC_INCLUDE_GUARD_CMSTATESET_HPP // DESCRIPTION: // // This class is a specialized bitset class for the content model code of // the validator. It assumes that its never called with two objects of // different bit counts, and that bit sets smaller than a threshold are far // and away the most common. So it can be a lot more optimized than a general // purpose utility bitset class // #include #include #include #include #include #if XERCES_HAVE_EMMINTRIN_H # include #endif XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CMStateSetEnumerator; // This value must be 4 in order to use the SSE2 instruction set #define CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE 4 // This value must be a multiple of 128 in order to use the SSE2 instruction set #define CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK 1024 #define CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE (1024 / 32) struct CMDynamicBuffer { // fArraySize // This indicates the number of elements of the fBitArray vector // // fBitArray // A vector of arrays of XMLInt32; each array is allocated on demand // if a bit needs to be set in that range // // fMemoryManager // The memory manager used to allocate and deallocate memory // XMLSize_t fArraySize; XMLInt32** fBitArray; MemoryManager* fMemoryManager; }; class CMStateSet : public XMemory { public : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors and Destructor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CMStateSet( const XMLSize_t bitCount , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) : fBitCount(bitCount) , fDynamicBuffer(0) { // // See if we need to allocate the byte array or whether we can live // within the cached bit high performance scheme. // if (fBitCount > (CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE * 32)) { fDynamicBuffer = (CMDynamicBuffer*)manager->allocate(sizeof(CMDynamicBuffer)); fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager = manager; // allocate an array of vectors, each one containing CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK bits fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize = fBitCount / CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK; if (fBitCount % CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK) fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize++; fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray = (XMLInt32**) fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager->allocate(fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize*sizeof(XMLInt32*)); for(XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]=NULL; } else { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE; index++) fBits[index] = 0; } } CMStateSet(const CMStateSet& toCopy) : XMemory(toCopy) , fBitCount(toCopy.fBitCount) , fDynamicBuffer(0) { // // See if we need to allocate the byte array or whether we can live // within the cahced bit high performance scheme. // if (fBitCount > (CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE * 32)) { fDynamicBuffer = (CMDynamicBuffer*) toCopy.fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager->allocate(sizeof(CMDynamicBuffer)); fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager = toCopy.fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager; fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize = fBitCount / CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK; if (fBitCount % CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK) fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize++; fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray = (XMLInt32**) fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager->allocate(fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize*sizeof(XMLInt32*)); for(XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) { if(toCopy.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]!=NULL) { allocateChunk(index); memcpy((void *) fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index], (const void *) toCopy.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index], CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE * sizeof(XMLInt32)); } else fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]=NULL; } } else { memcpy((void *) fBits, (const void *) toCopy.fBits, CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE * sizeof(XMLInt32)); } } ~CMStateSet() { if(fDynamicBuffer) { for(XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]!=NULL) deallocateChunk(index); fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager->deallocate(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray); fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager->deallocate(fDynamicBuffer); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set manipulation methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void operator|=(const CMStateSet& setToOr) { if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { #ifdef XERCES_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSIC if(XMLPlatformUtils::fgSSE2ok) { __m128i xmm1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)fBits); __m128i xmm2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)setToOr.fBits); __m128i xmm3 = _mm_or_si128(xmm1, xmm2); // OR 4 32-bit words _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)fBits, xmm3); } else #endif { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE; index++) if(setToOr.fBits[index]) { if(fBits[index]) fBits[index] |= setToOr.fBits[index]; else fBits[index] = setToOr.fBits[index]; } } } else { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) { XMLInt32 *& other = setToOr.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]; if(other!=NULL) { // if we haven't allocated the subvector yet, allocate it and copy if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]==NULL) { allocateChunk(index); memcpy((void *) fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index], (const void *) other, CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE * sizeof(XMLInt32)); } else { // otherwise, merge them XMLInt32*& mine = fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]; #ifdef XERCES_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSIC if(XMLPlatformUtils::fgSSE2ok) { for(XMLSize_t subIndex = 0; subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex+=4) { __m128i xmm1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&other[subIndex]); __m128i xmm2 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)&mine[subIndex]); __m128i xmm3 = _mm_or_si128(xmm1, xmm2); // OR 4 32-bit words _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)&mine[subIndex], xmm3); } } else #endif { for(XMLSize_t subIndex = 0; subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex++) if(setToOr.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex]) { if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex]) fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex] |= setToOr.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex]; else fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex] = setToOr.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex]; } } } } } } } bool operator==(const CMStateSet& setToCompare) const { if (fBitCount != setToCompare.fBitCount) return false; if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE; index++) { if (fBits[index] != setToCompare.fBits[index]) return false; } } else { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) { XMLInt32 *& other = setToCompare.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index], *& mine = fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]; if(mine==NULL && other==NULL) continue; else if(mine==NULL || other==NULL) // the other should have been empty too return false; else { for(XMLSize_t subIndex = 0; subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex++) if(mine[subIndex]!=other[subIndex]) return false; } } } return true; } CMStateSet& operator=(const CMStateSet& srcSet) { if (this == &srcSet) return *this; // They have to be the same size if (fBitCount != srcSet.fBitCount) { if(fDynamicBuffer) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Bitset_NotEqualSize, fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager); else ThrowXML(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Bitset_NotEqualSize); } if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE; index++) fBits[index] = srcSet.fBits[index]; } else { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) if(srcSet.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]==NULL) { // delete this subentry if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]!=NULL) deallocateChunk(index); } else { // if we haven't allocated the subvector yet, allocate it and copy if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]==NULL) allocateChunk(index); memcpy((void *) fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index], (const void *) srcSet.fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index], CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE * sizeof(XMLInt32)); } } return *this; } XMLSize_t getBitCountInRange(XMLSize_t start, XMLSize_t end) const { XMLSize_t count = 0; end /= 32; if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { if(end > CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE) end = CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE; for (XMLSize_t index = start / 32; index < end; index++) { if (fBits[index] != 0) for(int i=0;i<32;i++) { const XMLInt32 mask = 1UL << i; if(fBits[index] & mask) count++; } } } else { if(end > fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize) end = fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; for (XMLSize_t index = start / 32; index < end; index++) { if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]==NULL) continue; for(XMLSize_t subIndex=0;subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex++) { if (fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex] != 0) for(int i=0;i<32;i++) { const XMLInt32 mask = 1UL << i; if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex] & mask) count++; } } } } return count; } bool getBit(const XMLSize_t bitToGet) const { if (bitToGet >= fBitCount) { if(fDynamicBuffer) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, XMLExcepts::Bitset_BadIndex, fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager); else ThrowXML(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, XMLExcepts::Bitset_BadIndex); } // And access the right bit and byte if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { const XMLInt32 mask = 1UL << (bitToGet % 32); const XMLSize_t byteOfs = bitToGet / 32; return (fBits[byteOfs]!=0 && (fBits[byteOfs] & mask) != 0); } else { const XMLSize_t vectorOfs = bitToGet / CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK; if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[vectorOfs]==NULL) return false; const XMLInt32 mask = 1UL << (bitToGet % 32); const XMLSize_t byteOfs = (bitToGet % CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK) / 32; return (fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[vectorOfs][byteOfs]!=0 && (fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[vectorOfs][byteOfs] & mask) != 0); } } bool isEmpty() const { if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE; index++) { if (fBits[index] != 0) return false; } } else { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) { if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]==NULL) continue; for(XMLSize_t subIndex=0;subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex++) { if (fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex] != 0) return false; } } } return true; } void setBit(const XMLSize_t bitToSet) { if (bitToSet >= fBitCount) { if(fDynamicBuffer) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, XMLExcepts::Bitset_BadIndex, fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager); else ThrowXML(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, XMLExcepts::Bitset_BadIndex); } const XMLInt32 mask = 1UL << (bitToSet % 32); // And access the right bit and byte if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { const XMLSize_t byteOfs = bitToSet / 32; fBits[byteOfs] &= ~mask; fBits[byteOfs] |= mask; } else { const XMLSize_t vectorOfs = bitToSet / CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK; if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[vectorOfs]==NULL) { allocateChunk(vectorOfs); for(XMLSize_t index=0;index < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; index++) fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[vectorOfs][index]=0; } const XMLSize_t byteOfs = (bitToSet % CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK) / 32; fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[vectorOfs][byteOfs] &= ~mask; fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[vectorOfs][byteOfs] |= mask; } } void zeroBits() { if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE; index++) fBits[index] = 0; } else { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; index < fDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) // delete this subentry if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]!=NULL) deallocateChunk(index); } } XMLSize_t hashCode() const { XMLSize_t hash = 0; if(fDynamicBuffer==0) { for (XMLSize_t index = 0; indexfArraySize; index++) { if(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]==NULL) // simulates the iteration on the missing bits for(XMLSize_t subIndex=0;subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex++) hash *= 31; else for(XMLSize_t subIndex=0;subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex++) hash = fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex] + hash * 31; } } return hash; } private : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unimplemented constructors and operators // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CMStateSet(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void allocateChunk(const XMLSize_t index) { #ifdef XERCES_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSIC if(XMLPlatformUtils::fgSSE2ok) fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]=(XMLInt32*)_mm_malloc(CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE * sizeof(XMLInt32), 16); else #endif fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]=(XMLInt32*)fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager->allocate(CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE * sizeof(XMLInt32)); } void deallocateChunk(const XMLSize_t index) { #ifdef XERCES_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSIC if(XMLPlatformUtils::fgSSE2ok) _mm_free(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]); else #endif fDynamicBuffer->fMemoryManager->deallocate(fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]); fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]=NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private data members // // fBitCount // The count of bits that the outside world wants to support, // so its the max bit index plus one. // // fBits // When the bit count is less than a threshold (very common), these hold the bits. // Otherwise, the fDynamicBuffer member holds htem. // // fDynamicBuffer // If the bit count is greater than the threshold, then we allocate this structure to // store the bits, the length, and the memory manager to allocate/deallocate // the memory // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLSize_t fBitCount; XMLInt32 fBits[CMSTATE_CACHED_INT32_SIZE]; CMDynamicBuffer* fDynamicBuffer; friend class CMStateSetEnumerator; }; class CMStateSetEnumerator : public XMemory { public: CMStateSetEnumerator(const CMStateSet* toEnum, XMLSize_t start = 0) : fToEnum(toEnum), fIndexCount((XMLSize_t)-1), fLastValue(0) { // if a starting bit is specified, place fIndexCount at the beginning of the previous 32 bit area // so the findNext moves to the one where 'start' is located if(start > 32) fIndexCount = (start/32 - 1) * 32; findNext(); // if we found data, and fIndexCount is still pointing to the area where 'start' is located, erase the bits before 'start' if(hasMoreElements() && fIndexCount < start) { for(XMLSize_t i=0;i< (start - fIndexCount);i++) { XMLInt32 mask=1UL << i; if(fLastValue & mask) fLastValue &= ~mask; } // in case the 32 bit area contained only bits before 'start', advance if(fLastValue==0) findNext(); } } bool hasMoreElements() { return fLastValue!=0; } unsigned int nextElement() { for(int i=0;i<32;i++) { XMLInt32 mask=1UL << i; if(fLastValue & mask) { fLastValue &= ~mask; unsigned int retVal=(unsigned int)fIndexCount+i; if(fLastValue==0) findNext(); return retVal; } } return 0; } private: void findNext() { if(fToEnum->fDynamicBuffer==0) { XMLSize_t nOffset=((fIndexCount==(XMLSize_t)-1)?0:(fIndexCount/32)+1); for(XMLSize_t index=nOffset;indexfBits[index]!=0) { fIndexCount=index*32; fLastValue=fToEnum->fBits[index]; return; } } } else { XMLSize_t nOffset=((fIndexCount==(XMLSize_t)-1)?0:(fIndexCount/CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK)); XMLSize_t nSubOffset=((fIndexCount==(XMLSize_t)-1)?0:((fIndexCount % CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK) /32)+1); for (XMLSize_t index = nOffset; indexfDynamicBuffer->fArraySize; index++) { if(fToEnum->fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index]!=NULL) { for(XMLSize_t subIndex=nSubOffset;subIndex < CMSTATE_BITFIELD_INT32_SIZE; subIndex++) if(fToEnum->fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex]!=0) { fIndexCount=index*CMSTATE_BITFIELD_CHUNK + subIndex*32; fLastValue=fToEnum->fDynamicBuffer->fBitArray[index][subIndex]; return; } } nSubOffset = 0; // next chunks will be processed from the beginning } } } const CMStateSet* fToEnum; XMLSize_t fIndexCount; XMLInt32 fLastValue; }; XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END #endif