 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * $Id: XSElementDeclaration.hpp 527149 2007-04-10 14:56:39Z amassari $


#include <xercesc/framework/psvi/XSObject.hpp>
#include <xercesc/framework/psvi/XSNamedMap.hpp>


 * This class describes all properties of a Schema Element Declaration
 * component.
 * This is *always* owned by the validator /parser object from which
 * it is obtained.  

// forward declarations
class XSAnnotation;
class XSComplexTypeDefinition;
class XSIDCDefinition;
class XSTypeDefinition;
class SchemaElementDecl;

class XMLPARSER_EXPORT XSElementDeclaration : public XSObject

    //  Constructors and Destructor
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    /** @name Constructors */

      * The default constructor 
      * @param  schemaElementDecl
      * @param  typeDefinition
      * @param  substitutionGroupAffiliation
      * @param  annot
      * @param  identityConstraints
      * @param  xsModel
      * @param  elemScope
      * @param  enclosingTypeDefinition
      * @param  manager     The configurable memory manager
        SchemaElementDecl* const             schemaElementDecl
        , XSTypeDefinition* const            typeDefinition
        , XSElementDeclaration* const        substitutionGroupAffiliation
        , XSAnnotation* const                annot
        , XSNamedMap<XSIDCDefinition>* const identityConstraints
        , XSModel* const                     xsModel
        , XSConstants::SCOPE                 elemScope = XSConstants::SCOPE_ABSENT
        , XSComplexTypeDefinition* const     enclosingTypeDefinition = 0
        , MemoryManager* const               manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager


    /** @name Destructor */

    /** @name overridden XSXSObject methods */


     * The name of type <code>NCName</code> of this declaration as defined in 
     * XML Namespaces.
    const XMLCh* getName() const;

     *  The [target namespace] of this object, or <code>null</code> if it is 
     * unspecified. 
    const XMLCh* getNamespace();

     * A namespace schema information item corresponding to the target 
     * namespace of the component, if it's globally declared; or null 
     * otherwise.
    XSNamespaceItem *getNamespaceItem();


    /** @name XSElementDeclaration methods */


     * [type definition]: either a simple type definition or a complex type 
     * definition. 
    XSTypeDefinition *getTypeDefinition() const;

     * Optional. One of <code>SCOPE_GLOBAL</code>, <code>SCOPE_LOCAL</code>, 
     * or <code>SCOPE_ABSENT</code>. If the scope is local, then the 
     * <code>enclosingCTDefinition</code> is present. 
    XSConstants::SCOPE getScope() const;

     * The complex type definition for locally scoped declarations (see 
     * <code>scope</code>). 
    XSComplexTypeDefinition *getEnclosingCTDefinition() const;

     * [Value constraint]: one of <code>VC_NONE, VC_DEFAULT, VC_FIXED</code>. 
    XSConstants::VALUE_CONSTRAINT getConstraintType() const;

     * [Value constraint]: the actual value with respect to the [type 
     * definition]. 
    const XMLCh *getConstraintValue();

     * If nillable is true, then an element may also be valid if it carries 
     * the namespace qualified attribute with local name <code>nil</code> 
     * from namespace <code>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance</code> 
     * and value <code>true</code> (xsi:nil) even if it has no text or 
     * element content despite a <code>content type</code> which would 
     * otherwise require content. 
    bool getNillable() const;

     * identity-constraint definitions: a set of constraint definitions. 
    XSNamedMap <XSIDCDefinition> *getIdentityConstraints();

     * [substitution group affiliation]: optional. A top-level element 
     * definition. 
    XSElementDeclaration *getSubstitutionGroupAffiliation() const;

     * Convenience method. Check if <code>exclusion</code> is a substitution 
     * group exclusion for this element declaration. 
     * @param exclusion  
     *   <code>DERIVATION_NONE</code>. Represents final set for the element.
     * @return True if <code>exclusion</code> is a part of the substitution 
     *   group exclusion subset. 
    bool isSubstitutionGroupExclusion(XSConstants::DERIVATION_TYPE exclusion);

     * [substitution group exclusions]: the returned value is a bit 
     * combination of the subset of {
     * <code>DERIVATION_NONE</code>. 
    short getSubstitutionGroupExclusions() const;

     * Convenience method. Check if <code>disallowed</code> is a disallowed 
     * substitution for this element declaration. 
     * @param disallowed {
     *   } or <code>DERIVATION_NONE</code>. Represents a block set for the 
     *   element.
     * @return True if <code>disallowed</code> is a part of the substitution 
     *   group exclusion subset. 
    bool isDisallowedSubstitution(XSConstants::DERIVATION_TYPE disallowed);

     * [disallowed substitutions]: the returned value is a bit combination of 
     * the subset of {
     * } corresponding to substitutions disallowed by this 
     * <code>XSElementDeclaration</code> or <code>DERIVATION_NONE</code>. 
    short getDisallowedSubstitutions() const;

     * {abstract} A boolean. 
    bool getAbstract() const;

     * Optional. Annotation. 
    XSAnnotation *getAnnotation() const;


    /** methods needed by implementation */


    void setTypeDefinition(XSTypeDefinition* typeDefinition);


    void setEnclosingCTDefinition(XSComplexTypeDefinition* const toSet);
    friend class XSObjectFactory;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Unimplemented constructors and operators
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    XSElementDeclaration(const XSElementDeclaration&);
    XSElementDeclaration & operator=(const XSElementDeclaration &);


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  data members
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    short                         fDisallowedSubstitutions;
    short                         fSubstitutionGroupExclusions;    
    XSConstants::SCOPE            fScope;
    SchemaElementDecl*            fSchemaElementDecl;
    XSTypeDefinition*             fTypeDefinition;
    XSComplexTypeDefinition*      fEnclosingTypeDefinition;
    XSElementDeclaration*         fSubstitutionGroupAffiliation;
    XSAnnotation*                 fAnnotation;
    XSNamedMap<XSIDCDefinition>*  fIdentityConstraints;

inline XSTypeDefinition* XSElementDeclaration::getTypeDefinition() const
    return fTypeDefinition;

inline XSNamedMap<XSIDCDefinition>* XSElementDeclaration::getIdentityConstraints()
    return fIdentityConstraints;

inline XSElementDeclaration* XSElementDeclaration::getSubstitutionGroupAffiliation() const
    return fSubstitutionGroupAffiliation;

inline short XSElementDeclaration::getSubstitutionGroupExclusions() const
    return fSubstitutionGroupExclusions;

inline short XSElementDeclaration::getDisallowedSubstitutions() const
    return fDisallowedSubstitutions;

inline XSAnnotation *XSElementDeclaration::getAnnotation() const
    return fAnnotation;

inline XSConstants::SCOPE XSElementDeclaration::getScope() const
    return fScope;

inline XSComplexTypeDefinition *XSElementDeclaration::getEnclosingCTDefinition() const
    return fEnclosingTypeDefinition;

inline void XSElementDeclaration::setTypeDefinition(XSTypeDefinition* typeDefinition)
    fTypeDefinition = typeDefinition;

inline void XSElementDeclaration::setEnclosingCTDefinition(XSComplexTypeDefinition* const toSet)
    fEnclosingTypeDefinition = toSet;

