/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: XSConstants.hpp 527149 2007-04-10 14:56:39Z amassari $ */ #if !defined(XERCESC_INCLUDE_GUARD_XSCONSTANTS_HPP) #define XERCESC_INCLUDE_GUARD_XSCONSTANTS_HPP #include <xercesc/util/RefVectorOf.hpp> #include <xercesc/util/RefArrayVectorOf.hpp> XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /** * This contains constants needed in the schema component model. */ // forward definitions for typedefs class XSAnnotation; class XSAttributeUse; class XSFacet; class XSMultiValueFacet; class XSNamespaceItem; class XSParticle; class XSSimpleTypeDefinition; // these typedefs are intended to help hide dependence on utility // classes, as well as to define more intuitive names for commonly // used concepts. typedef RefVectorOf <XSAnnotation> XSAnnotationList; typedef RefVectorOf <XSAttributeUse> XSAttributeUseList; typedef RefVectorOf <XSFacet> XSFacetList; typedef RefVectorOf <XSMultiValueFacet> XSMultiValueFacetList; typedef RefVectorOf <XSNamespaceItem> XSNamespaceItemList; typedef RefVectorOf <XSParticle> XSParticleList; typedef RefVectorOf <XSSimpleTypeDefinition> XSSimpleTypeDefinitionList; typedef RefArrayVectorOf <XMLCh> StringList; class XMLPARSER_EXPORT XSConstants { public: // XML Schema Components enum COMPONENT_TYPE { /** * The object describes an attribute declaration. */ ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION = 1, /** * The object describes an element declaration. */ ELEMENT_DECLARATION = 2, /** * The object describes a complex type or simple type definition. */ TYPE_DEFINITION = 3, /** * The object describes an attribute use definition. */ ATTRIBUTE_USE = 4, /** * The object describes an attribute group definition. */ ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_DEFINITION= 5, /** * The object describes a model group definition. */ MODEL_GROUP_DEFINITION = 6, /** * A model group. */ MODEL_GROUP = 7, /** * The object describes a particle. */ PARTICLE = 8, /** * The object describes a wildcard. */ WILDCARD = 9, /** * The object describes an identity constraint definition. */ IDENTITY_CONSTRAINT = 10, /** * The object describes a notation declaration. */ NOTATION_DECLARATION = 11, /** * The object describes an annotation. */ ANNOTATION = 12, /** * The object describes a constraining facet. */ FACET = 13, /** * The object describes enumeration/pattern facets. */ MULTIVALUE_FACET = 14 }; // Derivation constants enum DERIVATION_TYPE { /** * No constraint is available. */ DERIVATION_NONE = 0, /** * <code>XSTypeDefinition</code> final set or * <code>XSElementDeclaration</code> disallowed substitution group. */ DERIVATION_EXTENSION = 1, /** * <code>XSTypeDefinition</code> final set or * <code>XSElementDeclaration</code> disallowed substitution group. */ DERIVATION_RESTRICTION = 2, /** * <code>XSTypeDefinition</code> final set. */ DERIVATION_SUBSTITUTION = 4, /** * <code>XSTypeDefinition</code> final set. */ DERIVATION_UNION = 8, /** * <code>XSTypeDefinition</code> final set. */ DERIVATION_LIST = 16 }; // Scope enum SCOPE { /** * The scope of a declaration within named model groups or attribute * groups is <code>absent</code>. The scope of such declaration is * determined when it is used in the construction of complex type * definitions. */ SCOPE_ABSENT = 0, /** * A scope of <code>global</code> identifies top-level declarations. */ SCOPE_GLOBAL = 1, /** * <code>Locally scoped</code> declarations are available for use only * within the complex type. */ SCOPE_LOCAL = 2 }; // Value Constraint enum VALUE_CONSTRAINT { /** * Indicates that the component does not have any value constraint. */ VALUE_CONSTRAINT_NONE = 0, /** * Indicates that there is a default value constraint. */ VALUE_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT = 1, /** * Indicates that there is a fixed value constraint for this attribute. */ VALUE_CONSTRAINT_FIXED = 2 }; private: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unimplemented constructors and operators // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XSConstants(); }; XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END #endif