/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (c) 2008-2020 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved. ** $Id: //main/2019/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/RboxPoints.h#2 $$Change: 2953 $ ** $DateTime: 2020/05/21 22:05:32 $$Author: bbarber $ ** ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef RBOXPOINTS_H #define RBOXPOINTS_H #include "libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h" #include "libqhullcpp/QhullPoint.h" #include "libqhullcpp/PointCoordinates.h" #include <stdarg.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <istream> #include <ostream> #include <sstream> namespace orgQhull { #//!\name Defined here //! RboxPoints -- generate random PointCoordinates for Qhull class RboxPoints; class RboxPoints : public PointCoordinates { private: #//!\name Fields and friends //! PointCoordinates.qh() is owned by RboxPoints countT rbox_new_count; //! Number of points for PointCoordinates int rbox_status; //! error status from rboxpoints. qh_ERRnone if none. std::string rbox_message; //! stderr from rboxpoints // '::' is required for friend references friend void ::qh_fprintf_rbox(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... ); public: #//!\name Construct RboxPoints(); explicit RboxPoints(const char *rboxCommand); ~RboxPoints(); private: // Disable copy constructor and assignment. RboxPoints owns QhullQh. RboxPoints(const RboxPoints &); RboxPoints &operator=(const RboxPoints &); private: void allocateQhullQh(); public: #//!\name GetSet void clearRboxMessage(); countT newCount() const { return rbox_new_count; } std::string rboxMessage() const; int rboxStatus() const; bool hasRboxMessage() const; void setNewCount(countT pointCount) { QHULL_ASSERT(pointCount>=0); rbox_new_count= pointCount; } #//!\name Modify void appendPoints(const char* rboxCommand); using PointCoordinates::appendPoints; void reservePoints() { reserveCoordinates((count()+newCount())*dimension()); } };//class RboxPoints }//namespace orgQhull #endif // RBOXPOINTS_H