/****************************************************************************** * Project: libspatialindex - A C++ library for spatial indexing * Author: Marios Hadjieleftheriou, mhadji@gmail.com ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2003, Marios Hadjieleftheriou * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "tools/Tools.h" #ifndef M_PI_2 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661922 #endif namespace SpatialIndex { class Point; class LineSegment; class Region; typedef int64_t id_type; SIDX_DLL enum CommandType { CT_NODEREAD = 0x0, CT_NODEDELETE, CT_NODEWRITE }; class SIDX_DLL InvalidPageException : public Tools::Exception { public: InvalidPageException(id_type id); ~InvalidPageException() override = default; std::string what() override; private: std::string m_error; }; // InvalidPageException // // Interfaces // class SIDX_DLL IShape : public Tools::ISerializable { public: virtual bool intersectsShape(const IShape& in) const = 0; virtual bool containsShape(const IShape& in) const = 0; virtual bool touchesShape(const IShape& in) const = 0; virtual void getCenter(Point& out) const = 0; virtual uint32_t getDimension() const = 0; virtual void getMBR(Region& out) const = 0; virtual double getArea() const = 0; virtual double getMinimumDistance(const IShape& in) const = 0; ~IShape() override = default; }; // IShape class SIDX_DLL ITimeShape : public Tools::IInterval { public: virtual bool intersectsShapeInTime(const ITimeShape& in) const = 0; virtual bool intersectsShapeInTime(const Tools::IInterval& ivI, const ITimeShape& in) const = 0; virtual bool containsShapeInTime(const ITimeShape& in) const = 0; virtual bool containsShapeInTime(const Tools::IInterval& ivI, const ITimeShape& in) const = 0; virtual bool touchesShapeInTime(const ITimeShape& in) const = 0; virtual bool touchesShapeInTime(const Tools::IInterval& ivI, const ITimeShape& in) const = 0; virtual double getAreaInTime() const = 0; virtual double getAreaInTime(const Tools::IInterval& ivI) const = 0; virtual double getIntersectingAreaInTime(const ITimeShape& r) const = 0; virtual double getIntersectingAreaInTime(const Tools::IInterval& ivI, const ITimeShape& r) const = 0; ~ITimeShape() override = default; }; // ITimeShape class SIDX_DLL IEvolvingShape { public: virtual void getVMBR(Region& out) const = 0; virtual void getMBRAtTime(double t, Region& out) const = 0; virtual ~IEvolvingShape() = default; }; // IEvolvingShape class SIDX_DLL IEntry : public Tools::IObject { public: virtual id_type getIdentifier() const = 0; virtual void getShape(IShape** out) const = 0; ~IEntry() override = default; }; // IEntry class SIDX_DLL INode : public IEntry, public Tools::ISerializable { public: virtual uint32_t getChildrenCount() const = 0; virtual id_type getChildIdentifier(uint32_t index) const = 0; virtual void getChildData(uint32_t index, uint32_t& len, byte** data) const = 0; virtual void getChildShape(uint32_t index, IShape** out) const = 0; virtual uint32_t getLevel() const = 0; virtual bool isIndex() const = 0; virtual bool isLeaf() const = 0; ~INode() override = default; }; // INode class SIDX_DLL IData : public IEntry { public: virtual void getData(uint32_t& len, byte** data) const = 0; ~IData() override = default; }; // IData class SIDX_DLL IDataStream : public Tools::IObjectStream { public: IData* getNext() override = 0; ~IDataStream() override = default; }; // IDataStream class SIDX_DLL ICommand { public: virtual void execute(const INode& in) = 0; virtual ~ICommand() = default; }; // ICommand class SIDX_DLL INearestNeighborComparator { public: virtual double getMinimumDistance(const IShape& query, const IShape& entry) = 0; virtual double getMinimumDistance(const IShape& query, const IData& data) = 0; virtual ~INearestNeighborComparator() = default; }; // INearestNeighborComparator class SIDX_DLL IStorageManager { public: virtual void loadByteArray(const id_type id, uint32_t& len, byte** data) = 0; virtual void storeByteArray(id_type& id, const uint32_t len, const byte* const data) = 0; virtual void deleteByteArray(const id_type id) = 0; virtual void flush() = 0; virtual ~IStorageManager() = default; }; // IStorageManager class SIDX_DLL IVisitor { public: virtual void visitNode(const INode& in) = 0; virtual void visitData(const IData& in) = 0; virtual void visitData(std::vector& v) = 0; virtual ~IVisitor() = default; }; // IVisitor class SIDX_DLL IQueryStrategy { public: virtual void getNextEntry(const IEntry& previouslyFetched, id_type& nextEntryToFetch, bool& bFetchNextEntry) = 0; virtual ~IQueryStrategy() = default; }; // IQueryStrategy class SIDX_DLL IStatistics { public: virtual uint64_t getReads() const = 0; virtual uint64_t getWrites() const = 0; virtual uint32_t getNumberOfNodes() const = 0; virtual uint64_t getNumberOfData() const = 0; virtual ~IStatistics() = default; }; // IStatistics class SIDX_DLL ISpatialIndex { public: virtual void insertData(uint32_t len, const byte* pData, const IShape& shape, id_type shapeIdentifier) = 0; virtual bool deleteData(const IShape& shape, id_type shapeIdentifier) = 0; virtual void containsWhatQuery(const IShape& query, IVisitor& v) = 0; virtual void intersectsWithQuery(const IShape& query, IVisitor& v) = 0; virtual void pointLocationQuery(const Point& query, IVisitor& v) = 0; virtual void nearestNeighborQuery(uint32_t k, const IShape& query, IVisitor& v, INearestNeighborComparator& nnc) = 0; virtual void nearestNeighborQuery(uint32_t k, const IShape& query, IVisitor& v) = 0; virtual void selfJoinQuery(const IShape& s, IVisitor& v) = 0; virtual void queryStrategy(IQueryStrategy& qs) = 0; virtual void getIndexProperties(Tools::PropertySet& out) const = 0; virtual void addCommand(ICommand* in, CommandType ct) = 0; virtual bool isIndexValid() = 0; virtual void getStatistics(IStatistics** out) const = 0; virtual void flush() = 0; virtual ~ISpatialIndex() = default; }; // ISpatialIndex namespace StorageManager { SIDX_DLL enum StorageManagerConstants { EmptyPage = -0x1, NewPage = -0x1 }; class SIDX_DLL IBuffer : public IStorageManager { public: virtual uint64_t getHits() = 0; virtual void clear() = 0; ~IBuffer() override = default; }; // IBuffer SIDX_DLL IStorageManager* returnMemoryStorageManager(Tools::PropertySet& in); SIDX_DLL IStorageManager* createNewMemoryStorageManager(); SIDX_DLL IStorageManager* returnDiskStorageManager(Tools::PropertySet& in); SIDX_DLL IStorageManager* createNewDiskStorageManager(std::string& baseName, uint32_t pageSize); SIDX_DLL IStorageManager* loadDiskStorageManager(std::string& baseName); SIDX_DLL IBuffer* returnRandomEvictionsBuffer(IStorageManager& ind, Tools::PropertySet& in); SIDX_DLL IBuffer* createNewRandomEvictionsBuffer(IStorageManager& in, uint32_t capacity, bool bWriteThrough); } // // Global functions // SIDX_DLL std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const ISpatialIndex&); SIDX_DLL std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const IStatistics&); } #include "Point.h" #include "Region.h" #include "LineSegment.h" #include "TimePoint.h" #include "TimeRegion.h" #include "MovingPoint.h" #include "MovingRegion.h" #include "RTree.h" #include "MVRTree.h" #include "TPRTree.h" #include "Version.h" // typedef SpatialIndex::Tools::PoolPointer RegionPtr; // typedef SpatialIndex::Tools::PoolPointer PointPtr; // typedef SpatialIndex::Tools::PoolPointer TimeRegionPtr; // typedef SpatialIndex::Tools::PoolPointer MovingRegionPtr;