/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF. The full HDF copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at * * http://hdfgroup.org/products/hdf4/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* $Id: hproto.h 5830 2012-07-19 09:08:48Z bmribler $ */ #ifndef _H_PROTO #define _H_PROTO #include "H4api_adpt.h" /* Usefull macros, which someday might become actual functions */ /* Wrappers for Hinquire. feb-2-92 */ #define HQueryfileid(aid, fileid) \ (Hinquire ((int32) aid, (int32*) fileid, (uint16*) NULL,\ (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (int32*) NULL,\ (int32*) NULL, (int16*) NULL, (int16*) NULL)) #define HQuerytagref(aid, tag, ref) \ (Hinquire ((int32) aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) tag,\ (uint16*) ref, (int32*) NULL, (int32*) NULL,\ (int32*) NULL, (int16*) NULL, (int16*) NULL)) #define HQuerylength(aid, length) \ (Hinquire ((int32) aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL, \ (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) length, (int32*) NULL, \ (int32*) NULL, (int16*) NULL, (int16*) NULL)) #define HQueryoffset(aid, offset) \ (Hinquire ((int32) aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL, \ (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (int32*) offset, \ (int32*) NULL, (int16*) NULL, (int16*) NULL)) #define HQueryposition(aid, position) \ (Hinquire ((int32) aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL, \ (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, \ (int32*) position, (int16*) NULL, (int16*) NULL)) #define HQueryaccess(aid, access) \ (Hinquire ((int32) aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL, \ (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, \ (int32*) NULL, (int16*) access, (int16*) NULL)) #define HQueryspecial(aid, special) \ (Hinquire ((int32) aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL, \ (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, \ (int32*) NULL, (int16*) NULL, (int16*) special)) #if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */ /* ** from hfile.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 Hopen (const char *path, intn acc_mode, int16 ndds); HDFLIBAPI intn Hclose (int32 file_id); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartread (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn Hnextread (int32 access_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, intn origin); HDFLIBAPI intn Hexist (int32 file_id, uint16 search_tag, uint16 search_ref); HDFLIBAPI intn Hinquire (int32 access_id, int32 * pfile_id, uint16 * ptag, uint16 * pref, int32 * plength, int32 * poffset, int32 * pposn, int16 * paccess, int16 * pspecial); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartwrite (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 length); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartaccess (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint32 flags); HDFLIBAPI intn Hsetlength (int32 file_id, int32 length); HDFLIBAPI intn Happendable (int32 aid); HDFLIBAPI intn HPisappendable (int32 aid); HDFLIBAPI intn HPregister_term_func (hdf_termfunc_t term_func); HDFLIBAPI intn Hseek (int32 access_id, int32 offset, intn origin); HDFLIBAPI int32 Htell (int32 access_id); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hread (int32 access_id, int32 length, void * data); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hwrite (int32 access_id, int32 length, const void * data); HDFLIBAPI int32 Htrunc (int32 access_id, int32 trunc_len); HDFLIBAPI intn Hendaccess (int32 access_id); HDFLIBAPI intn HDgetc (int32 access_id); HDFLIBAPI intn HDputc (uint8 c, int32 access_id); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hgetelement (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * data); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hputelement (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, const uint8 * data, int32 length); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hlength (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hoffset (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn Hsync (int32 file_id); HDFLIBAPI intn Hcache (int32 file_id, intn cache_on); HDFLIBAPI intn Hgetlibversion (uint32 * majorv, uint32 * minorv, uint32 * releasev, char * string); HDFLIBAPI intn Hgetfileversion (int32 file_id, uint32 * majorv, uint32 * minorv, uint32 * release, char * string); HDFLIBAPI intn Hsetaccesstype(int32 access_id, uintn accesstype); HDFLIBAPI uint16 HDmake_special_tag (uint16 tag); HDFLIBAPI intn HDis_special_tag (uint16 tag); HDFLIBAPI uint16 HDbase_tag (uint16 tag); HDFLIBAPI int HDerr (int32 file_id); HDFLIBAPI intn HDvalidfid (int32 file_id); HDFLIBAPI const char *HDgettagdesc (uint16 tag); HDFLIBAPI char *HDgettagsname (uint16 tag); HDFLIBAPI intn HDgettagnum (const char *tag_name); HDFLIBAPI char *HDgetNTdesc (int32 nt); HDFLIBAPI const char *HDfidtoname (int32 fid); HDFLIBAPI intn Hgetntinfo (int32 numbertype, hdf_ntinfo_t *nt_info); HDFLIBAPI intn Hishdf (const char * filename); HDFLIBAPI intn Hfidinquire (int32 file_id, char ** fname, intn * acc_mode, intn * attach); HDFLIBAPI intn Hshutdown(void); HDFLIBAPI void HPend(void); HDFLIBAPI intn HDdont_atexit(void); /* ** from hfiledd.c */ /****************************************************************************** NAME Hdupdd - Duplicate a data descriptor DESCRIPTION Duplicates a data descriptor so that the new tag/ref points to the same data element pointed to by the old tag/ref. Return FAIL if the given tag/ref are already in use. RETURNS returns SUCCEED (0) if successful, FAIL (-1) otherwise *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn Hdupdd(int32 file_id, /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */ uint16 tag, /* IN: Tag of new tag/ref */ uint16 ref, /* IN: Ref of new tag/ref */ uint16 old_tag, /* IN: Tag of old tag/ref */ uint16 old_ref /* IN: Ref of old tag/ref */ ); /****************************************************************************** NAME Hnumber - Determine the number of objects of a given type DESCRIPTION Determine how many objects of the given tag are in the file. tag may be set to DFTAG_WILDCARD to get back the total number of objects in the file. Note, a return value of zero is not a fail condition. RETURNS the number of objects of type 'tag' else FAIL *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI int32 Hnumber(int32 file_id, /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */ uint16 tag /* IN: Tag to count */ ); /****************************************************************************** NAME Hnewref - Returns a ref that is guaranteed to be unique in the file DESCRIPTION Returns a ref number that can be used with any tag to produce a unique tag/ref. Successive calls to Hnewref will generate a strictly increasing sequence until the highest possible ref had been returned, then Hnewref will return unused ref's starting from 1. RETURNS returns the ref number, 0 otherwise *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI uint16 Hnewref(int32 file_id /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */ ); /****************************************************************************** NAME Htagnewref - returns a ref that is unique in the file for a given tag DESCRIPTION Returns a ref number that can be used with any tag to produce a unique tag/ref. Successive calls to Hnewref will generate a strictly increasing sequence until the highest possible ref had been returned, then Hnewref will return unused ref's starting from 1. RETURNS returns the ref number, 0 otherwise *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI uint16 Htagnewref(int32 file_id, /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */ uint16 tag /* IN: Tag to search for a new ref for */ ); /****************************************************************************** NAME Hfind - locate the next object of a search in an HDF file DESCRIPTION Searches for the `next' DD that fits the search tag/ref. Wildcards apply. If origin is DF_FORWARD, search from current position forwards in the file, otherwise DF_BACKWARD searches backward from the current position in the file. If *find_tag and *find_ref are both set to 0, this indicates the beginning of a search, and the search will start from the beginning of the file if the direction is DF_FORWARD and from the and of the file if the direction is DF_BACKWARD. RETURNS returns SUCCEED (0) if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn Hfind(int32 file_id, /* IN: file ID to search in */ uint16 search_tag, /* IN: the tag to search for (can be DFTAG_WILDCARD) */ uint16 search_ref, /* IN: ref to search for (can be DFREF_WILDCARD) */ uint16 *find_tag, /* IN: if (*find_tag==0) and (*find_ref==0) then start search */ /* OUT: tag matching the search tag */ uint16 *find_ref, /* IN: if (*find_tag==0) and (*find_ref==0) then start search */ /* OUT: ref matching the search ref */ int32 *find_offset, /* OUT: offset of the data element found */ int32 *find_length, /* OUT: length of the data element found */ intn direction /* IN: Direction to search in: */ /* DF_FORWARD searches forward from the current location */ /* DF_BACKWARD searches backward from the current location */ ); /****************************************************************************** NAME HDcheck_tagref - Checks to see if tag/ref is in DD list i.e. created already DESCRIPTION Routine checks to see if tag/ref exists in the DD list i.e. has been created. RETURNS 0-> tag/ref does not exist 1-> tag/ref exists -1-> function failed *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn HDcheck_tagref(int32 file_id, /* IN: id of file */ uint16 tag, /* IN: Tag to check */ uint16 ref /* IN: ref to check */); /************************************************************************ NAME HDreuse_tagref -- reuse a data descriptor preserving tag/ref DESCRIPTION Reuses the data descriptor of tag/ref in the dd list of the file. The tag/ref must already exist in the DD list. This routine is unsafe and may leave a file in a condition that is not usable by some routines. Use with care. Not valid for special elments right now. Used for allowing the data to change and move somewhere else in the file for non-special elements. Must be carefully if apply to higher-level objects like GR's and SDS that are comprised of other objects. Usefull when re-writing simple elements whose size changes while preserving the original tag/ref of the element since other elements might refer to this element by tag/ref e.g. in a Vgroup. RETURNS returns SUCCEED (0) if successful, FAIL (-1) otherwise ************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn HDreuse_tagref(int32 file_id, /* IN: id of file */ uint16 tag, /* IN: tag of data descriptor to reuse */ uint16 ref /* IN: ref of data descriptor to reuse */ ); /****************************************************************************** NAME Hdeldd - Delete a data descriptor DESCRIPTION Deletes a data descriptor of tag/ref from the dd list of the file. This routine is unsafe and may leave a file in a condition that is not usable by some routines. Use with care. For example, if this element is contained in a Vgroup, that group will *NOT* get updated to reflect that this element has been deleted. RETURNS returns SUCCEED (0) if successful, FAIL (-1) otherwise *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn Hdeldd(int32 file_id, /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */ uint16 tag, /* IN: Tag of tag/ref to delete */ uint16 ref /* IN: Ref of tag/ref to delete */ ); /* ** from hdfalloc.c */ HDFLIBAPI void * HDmemfill (void * dest, const void * src, uint32 item_size, uint32 num_items); HDFLIBAPI char *HIstrncpy (char * dest, const char * source, intn len); HDFLIBAPI int32 HDspaceleft (void); #if defined(MALLOC_CHECK) HDFPUBLIC extern void * HDmalloc (uint32 qty); HDFPUBLIC extern void * HDrealloc (void * where, uint32 qty); HDFPUBLIC extern void * HDcalloc (uint32 n, uint32 size); HDFPUBLIC extern void HDfree (void * ptr); #endif /* defined MALLOC_CHECK */ #if defined VMS || defined macintosh || defined MAC || defined SYMANTEC_C || defined MIPSEL || defined NEXT || defined CONVEX || defined IBM6000 || defined SUN || defined IRIX HDFPUBLIC extern char *HDstrdup (const char *s); #endif HDFLIBAPI intn HDc2fstr (char * str, intn len); HDFLIBAPI char *HDf2cstring (_fcd fdesc, intn len); HDFLIBAPI intn HDflush (int32 file_id); HDFLIBAPI intn HDpackFstring (char * src, char * dest, intn len); /* ** from hblocks.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 HLcreate (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 block_length, int32 number_blocks); HDFLIBAPI intn HLconvert (int32 aid, int32 block_length, int32 number_blocks); HDFLIBAPI int HDinqblockinfo (int32 aid, int32 *length, int32 *first_length, int32 *block_length, int32 *number_blocks); HDFLIBAPI intn HLsetblockinfo (int32 aid, int32 block_size, int32 num_blocks); HDFLIBAPI intn HLgetblockinfo (int32 aid, int32* block_size, int32* num_blocks); HDFLIBAPI intn HLgetdatainfo (int32 file_id, uint8 *buf, uintn start_block, uintn info_count, int32 *offsetarray, int32 *lengtharray); /* ** from hextelt.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 HXcreate (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, const char * extern_file_name, int32 offset, int32 start_len); HDFLIBAPI intn HXsetcreatedir (const char *dir); HDFLIBAPI intn HXsetdir (const char *dir); /* ** from hcomp.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 HCcreate (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, comp_model_t model_type, model_info * m_info, comp_coder_t coder_type, comp_info * c_info); HDFLIBAPI intn HCPgetcompress (int32 file_id, uint16 data_tag, uint16 data_ref, comp_coder_t *coder_type, comp_info * c_info); HDFLIBAPI intn HCPgetcompinfo (int32 file_id, uint16 data_tag, uint16 data_ref, comp_coder_t *coder_type, comp_info * c_info); HDFLIBAPI intn HCPgetcomptype (int32 file_id, uint16 data_tag, uint16 data_ref, comp_coder_t *coder_type); HDFLIBAPI intn HCPgetdatasize (int32 file_id, uint16 data_tag, uint16 data_ref, int32* comp_size, int32* orig_size); HDFPUBLIC intn HCget_config_info ( comp_coder_t coder_type, uint32 *compression_config_info); HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPquery_encode_header(comp_model_t model_type, model_info * m_info, comp_coder_t coder_type, comp_info * c_info); HDFLIBAPI intn HCPencode_header(uint8 *p, comp_model_t model_type, model_info * m_info, comp_coder_t coder_type, comp_info * c_info); HDFLIBAPI intn HCPdecode_header(uint8 *p, comp_model_t *model_type, model_info * m_info, comp_coder_t *coder_type, comp_info * c_info); /* ** from cszip.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn HCPsetup_szip_parms ( comp_info *c_info, int32 nt, int32 ncomp, int32 ndims, int32 *dims, int32 *cdims); /* ** from hbuffer.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn HBconvert (int32 aid); /* ** from hcompri.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPconvert (int32 fid, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 xdim, int32 ydim,int16 scheme, comp_info *cinfo, uintn pixel_size); /* ** from herr.c */ HDFLIBAPI const char *HEstring (hdf_err_code_t error_code); HDFLIBAPI void HEpush (hdf_err_code_t error_code, const char * function_name, const char * file_name, intn line); HDFLIBAPI void HEreport (const char *,...); HDFLIBAPI void HEprint (FILE * stream, int32 print_level); HDFLIBAPI int16 HEvalue (int32 level); HDFLIBAPI void HEPclear (void); HDFLIBAPI intn HEshutdown(void); /* ** from hbitio.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartbitread (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartbitwrite (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 length); HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitappendable (int32 bitid); HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitwrite (int32 bitid, intn count, uint32 data); HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitread (int32 bitid, intn count, uint32 *data); HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitseek (int32 bitid, int32 byte_offset, intn bit_offset); HDFLIBAPI intn Hgetbit (int32 bitid); HDFLIBAPI int32 Hendbitaccess (int32 bitfile_id, intn flushbit); HDFLIBAPI intn HPbitshutdown(void); /* ** from dfutil.c */ HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFfindnextref (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 lref); /* ** from dfcomp.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFputcomp (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, const uint8 * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint8 * palette, uint8 * newpal, int16 scheme, comp_info * cinfo); HDFLIBAPI int DFgetcomp (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint16 scheme); /* ** from dfrle.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 DFCIrle (const void * buf, void * bufto, int32 len); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFCIunrle (uint8 * buf, uint8 *bufto, int32 outlen, int resetsave); /* ** from dfimcomp.c */ HDFLIBAPI void DFCIimcomp (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, const uint8 *in, uint8 out[], uint8 in_pal[], uint8 out_pal[], int mode); HDFLIBAPI void DFCIunimcomp (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint8 in[], uint8 out[]); /* ** from dfjpeg.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFCIjpeg (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, const void * image, int16 scheme, comp_info * scheme_info); /* ** from dfunjpeg.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFCIunjpeg (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, int16 scheme); /* ** from dfgroup.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 DFdiread (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFdiget (int32 list, uint16 * ptag, uint16 * pref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFdinobj (int32 list); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFdisetup (int maxsize); HDFLIBAPI intn DFdiput (int32 list, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFdiwrite (int32 file_id, int32 list, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI void DFdifree (int32 groupID); /* ** from dfp.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFPgetpal (const char * filename, void * palette); HDFLIBAPI intn DFPputpal (const char * filename, const void * palette, intn overwrite, const char * filemode); HDFLIBAPI intn DFPaddpal (const char * filename, const void * palette); HDFLIBAPI intn DFPnpals (const char * filename); HDFLIBAPI intn DFPreadref (const char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFPwriteref (const char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFPrestart (void); HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFPlastref (void); /* ** from dfr8.c */ HDFLIBAPI int DFR8setcompress (int32 scheme, comp_info * cinfo); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8getdims (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim, int * pispal); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8getimage (const char * filename, uint8 * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint8 * pal); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8setpalette (uint8 * pal); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8putimage (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint16 compress); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8addimage (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint16 compress); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8nimages (const char * filename); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8readref (const char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8writeref (const char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8restart (void); HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFR8lastref (void); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8getpalref(uint16 *pal_ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8Pshutdown(void); /* ** from dfgr.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetlutdims (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim, intn * pncomps, intn * pil); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRreqlutil (intn il); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetlut (const char * filename, void * lut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetimdims (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim, intn * pncomps, intn * pil); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRreqimil (intn il); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetimage (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetcompress (int32 scheme, comp_info * cinfo); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetlutdims (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn ncomps, intn il); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetlut (void * lut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRaddlut (const char * filename, void * lut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetimdims (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn ncomps, intn il); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRaddimage (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRputimage (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRreadref (const char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFGRIlastref (void); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIgetdims (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim, intn * pncomps, intn * pil, intn type); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIreqil (intn il, intn type); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIgetimlut (const char * filename, void * imlut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn type, intn isfortran, int *compressed, uint16 *compr_type, int *has_pal); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIsetdims (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn ncomps, intn type); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIsetil (intn il, intn type); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIrestart (void); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIaddimlut (const char * filename, const void * imlut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn type, intn isfortran, intn newfile); HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRPshutdown(void); /* ** from df24.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DF24getdims (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim, intn * pil); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24reqil (intn il); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24getimage (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24setdims (int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24setil (intn il); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24setcompress (int32 type, comp_info * cinfo); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24restart (void); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24addimage (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24putimage (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24nimages (const char * filename); HDFLIBAPI intn DF24readref (const char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI uint16 DF24lastref (void); /* ** from dfan.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetlablen (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANgetlabel (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * label, int32 maxlen); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetdesclen (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANgetdesc (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * desc, int32 maxlen); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfidlen (int32 file_id, intn isfirst); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfid (int32 file_id, char * id, int32 maxlen, intn isfirst); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfdslen (int32 file_id, intn isfirst); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfds (int32 file_id, char * desc, int32 maxlen, intn isfirst); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANputlabel (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * label); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANputdesc (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * desc, int32 desclen); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANaddfid (int32 file_id, char * id); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANaddfds (int32 file_id, char * desc, int32 desclen); HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFANlastref (void); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANlablist (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 reflist[], char * labellist, intn listsize, intn maxlen, intn startpos); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANclear (void); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANIclear (void); HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFANIlocate (int32 file_id, int type, uint16 tag, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI int DFANIaddentry (int type, uint16 annref, uint16 datatag, uint16 dataref); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANIgetannlen (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int type); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANIgetann (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * ann, int32 maxlen, int type, int isfortran); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANIputann (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * ann, int32 annlen, int type); HDFLIBAPI int DFANIlablist (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 reflist[], uint8 * labellist, int listsize, int maxlen, int startpos, int isfortran); HDFLIBAPI int DFANIaddfann (int32 file_id, char * ann, int32 annlen, int type); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANIgetfannlen (int32 file_id, int type, int isfirst); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANIgetfann (int32 file_id, char * ann, int32 maxlen, int type, int isfirst); HDFLIBAPI intn DFANPshutdown(void); /* ** from dfsd.c */ HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetdims (const char * filename, intn * prank, int32 sizes[], intn maxrank); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetdatastrs (char * label, char * unit, char * format, char * coordsys); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetdimstrs (int dim, char * label, char * unit, char * format); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetdatalen (int * llabel, int * lunit, int * lformat, int * lcoordsys); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetdimlen (int dim, int * llabel, int * lunit, int * lformat); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetdimscale (intn dim, int32 maxsize, void * scale); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetrange (void * pmax, void * pmin); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetdata (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 maxsizes[], void * data); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetlengths (int maxlen_label, int maxlen_unit, int maxlen_format, int maxlen_coordsys); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetdims (intn rank, int32 dimsizes[]); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetdatastrs (const char * label, const char * unit, const char * format, const char * coordsys); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetdimstrs (int dim, const char * label, const char * unit, const char * format); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetdimscale (intn dim, int32 dimsize, void * scale); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetrange (void * maxi, void * mini); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDputdata (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 dimsizes[], void * data); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDadddata (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 dimsizes[], void * data); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDrestart (void); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFSDndatasets (char * filename); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDclear (void); HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFSDlastref (void); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDreadref (char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetslice (const char * filename, int32 winst[], int32 windims[], void * data, int32 dims[]); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDstartslice (const char * filename); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDputslice (int32 winend[], void * data, int32 dims[]); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDendslice (void); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetNT (int32 numbertype); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetorder (int arrayorder); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetNT (int32 * pnumbertype); HDFLIBAPI intn DFSDpre32sdg (char * filename, uint16 ref, intn * ispre32); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetcal (float64 cal, float64 cal_err, float64 ioff, float64 ioff_err, int32 cal_nt); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetcal (float64 * pcal, float64 * pcal_err, float64 * pioff, float64 * pioff_err, int32 * cal_nt); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDwriteref (const char * filename, uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDsetfillvalue (void * fill_value); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDgetfillvalue (void * fill_value); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDstartslab (const char * filename); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDwriteslab (int32 start[], int32 stride[], int32 count[], void * data); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDendslab (void); HDFLIBAPI int DFSDreadslab (const char *filename, int32 start[], int32 slab_size[], int32 stride[], void * buffer, int32 buffer_size[]); HDFLIBAPI intn DFSDPshutdown(void); /* ** from dfconv.c */ HDFLIBAPI int DFKNTsize (int32 number_type); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFKisnativeNT (int32 numbertype); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFKislitendNT (int32 numbertype); HDFLIBAPI int8 DFKgetPNSC (int32 numbertype, int32 machinetype); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsetNT (int32 ntype); HDFLIBAPI int32 DFKconvert (void * source, void * dest, int32 ntype, int32 num_elm, int16 acc_mode, int32 source_stride, int32 dest_stride); /* ** from dfknat.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb1b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb2b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb4b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb8b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); /* ** from dfkswap.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsb2b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsb4b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsb8b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); /* ** from dfkcray.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui2i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui2s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo2i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo2s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui4i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui4s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo4i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo4s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui2i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui2s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo2i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo2s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui4i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui4s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo4i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo4s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); /* CRAY-MPP */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFKmi2i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKmi2s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKmo2b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlmi2i (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlmi2s (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlmo2b (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); /* ** from dfkvms.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvi4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvo4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvi8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvo8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvi4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvo4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvi8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvo8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); /* ** from dfkconv.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFKci4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKco4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKci8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKco8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlci4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlco4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlci8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlco8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); /* ** from dfkfuji.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpi4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpo4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpi8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpo8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpi4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpo4f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpi8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpo8f (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride); /* Multi-file Annotation C-routines found in mfan.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 ANstart(int32 file_id); HDFLIBAPI intn ANfileinfo(int32 an_id, int32 *n_file_label, int32 *n_file_desc, int32 *n_obj_label, int32 *n_obj_desc); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANend(int32 an_id); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANcreate(int32 an_id, uint16 elem_tag, uint16 elem_ref, ann_type type); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANcreatef(int32 an_id, ann_type type); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANselect(int32 an_id, int32 idx, ann_type type); HDFLIBAPI intn ANnumann(int32 an_id, ann_type type, uint16 elem_tag, uint16 elem_ref); HDFLIBAPI intn ANannlist(int32 an_id, ann_type type, uint16 elem_tag, uint16 elem_ref, int32 ann_list[]); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANannlen(int32 ann_id); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANwriteann(int32 ann_id, const char *ann, int32 annlen); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANreadann(int32 ann_id, char *ann, int32 maxlen); HDFLIBAPI intn ANendaccess(int32 ann_id); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANget_tagref(int32 an_id, int32 idx, ann_type type, uint16 *ann_tag, uint16 *ann_ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANid2tagref(int32 an_id, uint16 *ann_tag, uint16 *ann_ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 ANtagref2id(int32 an_id, uint16 ann_tag, uint16 ann_ref); HDFLIBAPI uint16 ANatype2tag(ann_type atype); HDFLIBAPI ann_type ANtag2atype(uint16 atag); /* BMR: Removed because this function is meant to be private. HDFLIBAPI intn ANdestroy(void); */ /* Multi-file Raster C-routines found in mfgr.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn rigcompare(void * k1, void * k2, intn cmparg); HDFLIBAPI int32 GRstart(int32 hdf_file_id); HDFLIBAPI intn GRfileinfo(int32 grid,int32 *n_datasets,int32 *n_attrs); HDFLIBAPI intn GRend(int32 grid); HDFLIBAPI int32 GRcreate(int32 grid,const char *name,int32 ncomp,int32 nt,int32 il, int32 dimsizes[2]); HDFLIBAPI int32 GRselect(int32 grid,int32 idx); HDFLIBAPI int32 GRnametoindex(int32 grid,const char *name); HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetiminfo(int32 riid,char *name,int32 *ncomp,int32 *nt,int32 *il, int32 dimsizes[2],int32 *n_attr); HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetnluts(int32 riid); HDFLIBAPI intn GRwriteimage(int32 riid,int32 start[2],int32 stride[2], int32 count[2],void * data); HDFLIBAPI intn GRreadimage(int32 riid,int32 start[2],int32 stride[2], int32 count[2],void * data); HDFLIBAPI intn GRendaccess(int32 riid); HDFLIBAPI uint16 GRidtoref(int32 riid); HDFLIBAPI int32 GRreftoindex(int32 grid,uint16 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn GRreqlutil(int32 riid,intn il); HDFLIBAPI intn GRreqimageil(int32 riid,intn il); HDFLIBAPI int32 GRgetlutid(int32 riid,int32 idx); HDFLIBAPI uint16 GRluttoref(int32 lutid); HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetlutinfo(int32 riid,int32 *ncomp,int32 *nt, int32 *il,int32 *nentries); HDFLIBAPI intn GRwritelut(int32 riid,int32 ncomps,int32 nt, int32 il,int32 nentries,void * data); HDFLIBAPI intn GRreadlut(int32 lutid,void * data); HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetexternalfile(int32 riid,const char *filename,int32 offset); HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetaccesstype(int32 riid,uintn accesstype); HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetcompress(int32 riid,comp_coder_t comp_type,comp_info *cinfo); HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetcompress(int32 riid,comp_coder_t* comp_type,comp_info *cinfo); HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetcompinfo(int32 riid,comp_coder_t* comp_type,comp_info *cinfo); HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetattr(int32 id,const char *name,int32 attr_nt,int32 count,const void * data); HDFLIBAPI intn GRattrinfo(int32 id,int32 idx,char *name,int32 *attr_nt,int32 *count); HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetattr(int32 id,int32 idx,void * data); HDFLIBAPI int32 GRfindattr(int32 id,const char *name); HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetcomptype (int32 riid, comp_coder_t *comp_type); HDFLIBAPI intn GRPshutdown(void); /* This function was added for hmap project only. Feb-25-2011 */ HDFLIBAPI intn GR2bmapped(int32 riid, intn *tobe_mapped, intn *created_byGR); /*=== HDF_CHUNK_DEF same as in mfhdf.h - moved here ====*/ /* Bit flags used for SDsetchunk(), SDgetchunkinfo() GRsetchunk() and GRgetchunkinfo(). Note that GRs do not support NBIT */ #define HDF_NONE 0x0 #define HDF_CHUNK 0x1 #define HDF_COMP 0x3 #define HDF_NBIT 0x5 /* Cache flags */ #define HDF_CACHEALL 0x1 /* Chunk Defintion, Note that GRs need only 2 dimensions for the chunk_lengths */ typedef union hdf_chunk_def_u { /* Chunk Lengths only */ int32 chunk_lengths[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* chunk lengths along each dimension */ struct { /* For Compression info */ int32 chunk_lengths[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* chunk lengths along each dimension */ int32 comp_type; /* Compression type */ int32 model_type; /* Compression model type */ comp_info cinfo; /* Compression info struct */ model_info minfo; /* Compression model info struct */ }comp; struct { /* For NBIT, Used by SDS and not by GR */ int32 chunk_lengths[H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* chunk lengths along each dimension */ intn start_bit; /* offset of the start bit in the data */ intn bit_len; /* number of bits to store */ intn sign_ext; /* whether to sign extend or not */ intn fill_one; /* whether to fill with 1's or not (0's) */ } nbit; } HDF_CHUNK_DEF; /*=== GR Chunking Routines ====*/ /****************************************************************************** NAME GRsetchunk -- make GR a chunked GR DESCRIPTION This routine makes the GR a chunked GR according to the chunk definition passed in. The image currently cannot be special already. i.e. NBIT, COMPRESSED, or EXTERNAL. This is an Error. The defintion of the HDF_CHUNK_DEF union with relvant fields is: typedef union hdf_chunk_def_u { int32 chunk_lengths[2]; Chunk lengths along each dimension struct { int32 chunk_lengths[2]; Chunk lengths along each dimension int32 comp_type; Compression type comp_info cinfo; Compression info struct }comp; } HDF_CHUNK_DEF The simplist is the 'chunk_lengths' array specifiying chunk lengths for each dimension where the 'flags' argument set to 'HDF_CHUNK'; COMPRESSION is set by using the 'HDF_CHUNK_DEF' structure to set the appropriate compression information along with the required chunk lengths for each dimension. The compression information is the same as that set in 'SDsetcompress()'. The bit-or'd'flags' argument' is set to 'HDF_CHUNK | HDF_COMP'. See the example in pseudo-C below for further usage. The maximum number of Chunks in an HDF file is 65,535. The performance of the GRxxx interface with chunking is greatly affected by the users access pattern over the image and by the maximum number of chunks set in the chunk cache. The cache contains the Least Recently Used(LRU cache replacment policy) chunks. See the routine GRsetchunkcache() for further info on the chunk cache and how to set the maximum number of chunks in the chunk cache. A default chunk cache is always created. The following example shows the organization of chunks for a 2D iamge. e.g. 4x4 image with 2x2 chunks. The array shows the layout of chunks in the chunk array. 4 --------------------- | | | Y | (0,1) | (1,1) | ^ | | | | 2 --------------------- | | | | | | (0,0) | (1,0) | | | | | | --------------------- | 0 2 4 ---------------> X --Without compression--: { HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunk_def; ....... -- Set chunk lengths -- chunk_def.chunk_lengths[0]= 2; chunk_def.chunk_lengths[1]= 2; -- Set Chunking -- GRsetchunk(riid, chunk_def, HDF_CHUNK); ...... } --With compression--: { HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunk_def; ....... -- Set chunk lengths first -- chunk_def.chunk_lengths[0]= 2; chunk_def.chunk_lengths[1]= 2; -- Set compression -- chunk_def.comp.cinfo.deflate.level = 9; chunk_def.comp.comp_type = COMP_CODE_DEFLATE; -- Set Chunking with Compression -- GRsetchunk(riid, chunk_def, HDF_CHUNK | HDF_COMP); ...... } RETURNS SUCCEED/FAIL ******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetchunk (int32 riid, /* IN: raster access id */ HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunk_def, /* IN: chunk definition */ int32 flags /* IN: flags */); /****************************************************************************** NAME GRgetchunkinfo -- get Info on GR DESCRIPTION This routine gets any special information on the GR. If its chunked, chunked and compressed or just a regular GR. Currently it will only fill the array of chunk lengths for each dimension as specified in the 'HDF_CHUNK_DEF' union. You can pass in a NULL for 'chunk_def' if don't want the chunk lengths for each dimension. Additionaly if successfull it will return a bit-or'd value in 'flags' indicating if the GR is: Chunked -> flags = HDF_CHUNK Chunked and compressed -> flags = HDF_CHUNK | HDF_COMP Non-chunked -> flags = HDF_NONE e.g. 4x4 array - Pseudo-C { int32 rcdims[3]; HDF_CHUNK_DEF rchunk_def; int32 cflags; ... rchunk_def.chunk_lengths = rcdims; GRgetchunkinfo(riid, &rchunk_def, &cflags); ... } RETURNS SUCCEED/FAIL ******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetchunkinfo (int32 riid, /* IN: Raster access id */ HDF_CHUNK_DEF *chunk_def, /* IN/OUT: chunk definition */ int32 *flags /* IN/OUT: flags */); /****************************************************************************** NAME GRwritechunk -- write the specified chunk to the GR DESCRIPTION This routine writes a whole chunk of data to the chunked GR specified by chunk 'origin' for the given GR and can be used instead of GRwriteimage() when this information is known. This routine has less overhead and is much faster than using GRwriteimage(). Origin specifies the co-ordinates of the chunk according to the chunk position in the overall chunk array. 'datap' must point to a whole chunk of data. See GRsetchunk() for a description of the organization of chunks in an GR. RETURNS SUCCEED/FAIL ******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn GRwritechunk (int32 riid, /* IN: raster access id */ int32 *origin, /* IN: origin of chunk to write */ const void *datap /* IN: buffer for data */); /****************************************************************************** NAME GRreadchunk -- read the specified chunk to the GR DESCRIPTION This routine reads a whole chunk of data from the chunked GR specified by chunk 'origin' for the given GR and can be used instead of GRreadimage() when this information is known. This routine has less overhead and is much faster than using GRreadimage(). Origin specifies the co-ordinates of the chunk according to the chunk position in the overall chunk array. 'datap' must point to a whole chunk of data. See GRsetchunk() for a description of the organization of chunks in an GR. RETURNS SUCCEED/FAIL ******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn GRreadchunk (int32 riid, /* IN: raster access id */ int32 *origin, /* IN: origin of chunk to read */ void *datap /* IN/OUT: buffer for data */); /****************************************************************************** NAME GRsetchunkcache -- maximum number of chunks to cache DESCRIPTION Set the maximum number of chunks to cache. The cache contains the Least Recently Used(LRU cache replacment policy) chunks. This routine allows the setting of maximum number of chunks that can be cached, 'maxcache'. The performance of the GRxxx interface with chunking is greatly affected by the users access pattern over the image and by the maximum number of chunks set in the chunk cache. The number chunks that can be set in the cache is process memory limited. It is a good idea to always set the maximum number of chunks in the cache as the default heuristic does not take into account the memory available for the application. By default when the GR is promoted to a chunked element the maximum number of chunks in the cache 'maxcache' is set to the number of chunks along the last dimension. The values set here affects the current object's caching behaviour. If the chunk cache is full and 'maxcache' is greater then the current 'maxcache' value, then the chunk cache is reset to the new 'maxcache' value, else the chunk cache remains at the current 'maxcache' value. If the chunk cache is not full, then the chunk cache is set to the new 'maxcache' value only if the new 'maxcache' value is greater than the current number of chunks in the cache. Use flags argument of 'HDF_CACHEALL' if the whole object is to be cached in memory, otherwise pass in zero(0). Currently you can only pass in zero. See GRsetchunk() for a description of the organization of chunks in an GR. RETURNS Returns the 'maxcache' value for the chunk cache if successful and FAIL otherwise ******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetchunkcache (int32 riid, /* IN: raster access id */ int32 maxcache, /* IN: max number of chunks to cache */ int32 flags /* IN: flags = 0, HDF_CACHEALL */); #ifdef HAVE_FMPOOL /****************************************************************************** NAME Hmpset - set pagesize and maximum number of pages to cache on next open/create DESCRIPTION Set the pagesize and maximum number of pages to cache on the next open/create of a file. A pagesize that is a power of 2 is recommended. The values set here only affect the next open/creation of a file and do not change a particular file's paging behaviour after it has been opened or created. This maybe changed in a later release. Use flags arguement of 'MP_PAGEALL' if the whole file is to be cached in memory otherwise passs in zero. RETURNS Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise NOTE This calls the real routine MPset(). Currently 'maxcache' has to be greater than 1. Maybe use special case of 0 to specify you want to turn page buffering off or use the flags arguement. ******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI int Hmpset(int pagesize, /* IN: pagesize to use for next open/create */ int maxcache, /* IN: max number of pages to cache */ int flags /* IN: flags = 0, MP_PAGEALL */); /****************************************************************************** NAME Hmpget - get last pagesize and max number of pages cached for open/create DESCRIPTION This gets the last pagesize and maximum number of pages cached for the last open/create of a file. RETURNS Returns SUCCEED. NOTES This routine calls the real routine MPget(). ******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI int Hmpget(int *pagesize, /*OUT: pagesize to used in last open/create */ int *maxcache, /*OUT: max number of pages cached in last open/create */ int flags /* IN: */); #endif /* HAVE_FMPOOL */ /* Vset interface functions (used to be in vproto.h) */ /* Useful macros, which someday might become actuall functions */ /* * macros for VSinquire * all these macros should be public for users */ #define VSQuerycount(vs, count) \ (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) count, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL)) #define VSQueryinterlace(vs, intr) \ (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) intr, (char*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL)) #define VSQueryfields(vs, flds) \ (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) flds, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL)) #define VSQueryvsize(vs, size) \ (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL, (int32*) size, (char*) NULL)) #define VSQueryname(vs, name) \ (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) name)) /* ** from vattr.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn Vsetattr (int32 vgid, const char *attrname, int32 datatype, int32 count, const void * values); HDFLIBAPI intn Vnattrs (int32 vgid); HDFLIBAPI intn Vnattrs2 (int32 vgid); HDFLIBAPI intn Vnoldattrs (int32 vgid); HDFLIBAPI intn Vfindattr (int32 vgid, const char *attrname); HDFLIBAPI intn Vattrinfo (int32 vgid, intn attrindex, char *name, int32 *datatype, int32 *count, int32 *size); HDFLIBAPI intn Vattrinfo2 /* copy of Vattrinfo for old attributes */ (int32 vgid, intn attrindex, char *name, int32 *datatype, int32 *count, int32 *size, int32 *nfields, uint16 *refnum); HDFLIBAPI intn Vgetattr (int32 vgid, intn attrindex, void * values); HDFLIBAPI intn Vgetattr2 /* copy of Vgetattr for old attributes */ (int32 vgid, intn attrindex, void * values); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetversion (int32 vgid); HDFLIBAPI intn VSfindex (int32 vsid, const char *fieldname, int32 *fldindex); HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetattr (int32 vsid, int32 findex, const char *attrname, int32 datatype, int32 count, const void * values); HDFLIBAPI intn VSnattrs (int32 vsid); HDFLIBAPI intn VSfnattrs (int32 vsid, int32 findex); HDFLIBAPI intn VSfindattr (int32 vsid, int32 findex, const char *attrname); HDFLIBAPI intn VSattrinfo (int32 vsid, int32 findex, intn attrindex, char *name, int32 *datatype, int32 *count, int32 *size); HDFLIBAPI intn VSgetattr (int32 vsid, int32 findex, intn attrindex, void * values); HDFLIBAPI intn VSisattr (int32 vsid); /* ** from vconv.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 vicheckcompat (HFILEID f); HDFLIBAPI int32 vimakecompat (HFILEID f); HDFLIBAPI int32 vcheckcompat (char * fs); HDFLIBAPI int32 vmakecompat (char * fs); /* ** from vg.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 VSelts (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetinterlace (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetinterlace (int32 vkey, int32 interlace); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetfields (int32 vkey, char * fields); HDFLIBAPI intn VSfexist (int32 vkey, char * fields); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSsizeof (int32 vkey, char * fields); HDFLIBAPI void VSdump (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSsetname (int32 vkey, const char * vsname); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSsetclass (int32 vkey, const char * vsclass); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetname (int32 vkey, char * vsname); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetclass (int32 vkey, char * vsclass); HDFLIBAPI intn VSinquire (int32 vkey, int32 * nelt, int32 * interlace, char * fields, int32 * eltsize, char * vsname); HDFLIBAPI intn VSisinternal (const char *vsclass); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSlone (HFILEID f, int32 * idarray, int32 asize); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vlone (HFILEID f, int32 * idarray, int32 asize); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vfind (HFILEID f, const char * vgname); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSfind (HFILEID f, const char * vsname); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vfindclass (HFILEID f, const char * vgclass); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSfindclass (HFILEID f, const char * vsclass); HDFLIBAPI intn VSofclass (int32 id, const char *vsclass, uintn start_vd, uintn array_size, uint16 *refarray); HDFLIBAPI intn VSgetvdatas (int32 id, uintn start_vd, uintn array_size, uint16 *refarray); HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetblocksize (int32 vkey, int32 block_size); HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetnumblocks (int32 vkey, int32 num_blocks); HDFLIBAPI intn VSgetblockinfo (int32 vkey, int32* block_size, int32* num_blocks); HDFLIBAPI void Vsetzap (void); /* ** from vgp.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn vcompare (void * k1, void * k2, intn cmparg); HDFLIBAPI intn vcompareref (void * k1, void * k2, intn cmparg); HDFLIBAPI void vdestroynode (void * n); HDFLIBAPI void vtfreekey (void * k); HDFLIBAPI intn Vinitialize (HFILEID f); HDFLIBAPI intn Vfinish (HFILEID f); HDFLIBAPI HFILEID Vopen (char *path, intn acc_mode, int16 ndds); HDFLIBAPI intn Vclose (HFILEID f); HDFLIBAPI int32 vexistvg (HFILEID f, uint16 vgid); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vattach (HFILEID f, int32 vgid, const char * accesstype); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vdetach (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vinsert (int32 vkey, int32 vskey); /* note: 2nd arg of Vinsert can also be (VGROUP *) */ HDFLIBAPI int32 Vflocate (int32 vkey, char * field); HDFLIBAPI intn Vinqtagref (int32 vkey, int32 tag, int32 ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vntagrefs (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vnrefs (int32 vkey,int32 tag); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgettagrefs (int32 vkey, int32 tagarray[], int32 refarray[], int32 n); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetuservgs (int32 id, int32 start_ref, int32 n_vgs, int32 *refarray); HDFLIBAPI intn Vgettagref (int32 vkey, int32 which, int32 * tag, int32 * ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 VQueryref (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 VQuerytag (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vaddtagref (int32 vkey, int32 tag, int32 ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 Ventries (HFILEID f, int32 vgid); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vsetname (int32 vkey, const char * vgname); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vsetclass (int32 vkey, const char * vgclass); HDFLIBAPI intn Visvg (int32 vkey, int32 id); HDFLIBAPI intn Visvs (int32 vkey, int32 id); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetid (HFILEID f, int32 vgid); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetnext (int32 vkey, int32 id); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetname (int32 vkey, char * vgname); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetnamelen (int32 vkey, uint16 * name_len); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetclassnamelen (int32 vkey, uint16 * classname_len); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetclass (int32 vkey, char * vgclass); HDFLIBAPI intn Vinquire (int32 vkey, int32 * nentries, char * vgname); HDFLIBAPI int32 Vdelete (int32 f, int32 ref); HDFLIBAPI intn Vgisinternal (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI intn Visinternal /* this function is replaced by Vgisinternal */ (const char *classname); HDFLIBAPI intn Vgetvgroups (int32 id, uintn start_vg, uintn n_vgs, uint16 *refarray); /******************************************************************************* NAME Vdeletetagref - delete tag/ref pair in Vgroup DESCRIPTION Deletes the given tag/ref pair from the Vgroup. If the given tag/ref pair does not exist in the vgroup the routine will return FAIL. Users should use Vinqtagref() to check if the tag/ref pair exists before deleting. RETURNS Returns SUCCEED if the tag/ref pair is deleted from Vgroup and FAIL if unsuccessful. *******************************************************************************/ HDFLIBAPI intn Vdeletetagref(int32 vkey, /* IN: vgroup key */ int32 tag, /* IN: tag to delete in vgroup */ int32 ref /* IN: ref to delete in vgroup */); HDFLIBAPI intn VPshutdown(void); /* ** from vparse.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 scanattrs (const char * attrs, int32 * attrc, char *** attrv); /* ** from vhi.c */ HDFLIBAPI int32 VHstoredata (HFILEID f, const char * field, const uint8 *buf, int32 n, int32 datatype, const char * vsname, const char * vsclass); HDFLIBAPI int32 VHstoredatam (HFILEID f, const char * field, const uint8 *buf, int32 n, int32 datatype, const char * vsname, const char * vsclass, int32 order); HDFLIBAPI int32 VHmakegroup (HFILEID f, int32 tagarray[], int32 refarray[], int32 n, const char * vgname, const char * vgclass); /* ** from vio.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn VSPhshutdown(void); HDFLIBAPI int32 vexistvs (HFILEID f, uint16 vsref); HDFLIBAPI void vsdestroynode (void * n); HDFLIBAPI void vfdestroynode (void * n); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSattach (HFILEID f, int32 vsref, const char * accesstype); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSdetach (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSQuerytag (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSQueryref (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetid (HFILEID f, int32 vsref); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetversion (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSdelete (int32 f, int32 ref); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSappendable (int32 vkey, int32 blk); /* ** from vsfld.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetfields (int32 vkey, const char * fields); HDFLIBAPI intn VSfdefine (int32 vkey, const char * field, int32 localtype, int32 order); HDFLIBAPI int32 VFnfields (int32 vkey); HDFLIBAPI char *VFfieldname (int32 vkey, int32 idx); HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldtype (int32 vkey, int32 idx); HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldisize (int32 vkey, int32 idx); HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldesize (int32 vkey, int32 idx); HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldorder (int32 vkey, int32 idx); HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetexternalfile (int32 vkey, const char *filename, int32 offset); HDFLIBAPI intn VSgetexternalfile (int32 vkey, uintn name_len, char *filename, int32* offset); HDFLIBAPI intn VSgetexternalinfo (int32 vkey, uintn name_len, char *filename, int32* offset, int32* length); HDFLIBAPI intn VSfpack (int32 vsid, intn packtype, const char *fields_in_buf, void * buf, intn bufsz, intn n_records, const char *fields, void * fldbufpt[]); /* ** from vrw.c */ HDFLIBAPI intn VSPshutdown(void); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSseek (int32 vkey, int32 eltpos); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSread (int32 vkey, uint8 buf[], int32 nelt, int32 interlace); HDFLIBAPI int32 VSwrite (int32 vkey, const uint8 buf[], int32 nelt, int32 interlace); #if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus } #endif /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */ #endif /* _H_PROTO */