/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF. The full HDF copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root * * of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at * * http://hdfgroup.org/products/hdf4/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have * * access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* $Id: hlimits.h 5584 2011-04-13 18:25:06Z bmribler $ */ /*+ hlimits.h *** This file contains all hard coded limits for the library *** and reserved vdata/vgroup names and classes. *** Also pre-defined attribute names are contained in thie file. + */ #ifndef _HLIMITS_H #define _HLIMITS_H #ifndef _WIN32 #define HDsetvbuf(F,S,M,Z) setvbuf(F,S,M,Z) #endif /************************************************************************** * Generally useful macro definitions * (These are copied from hdfi.h and shoudl remain included in both files * because hlimits.h is included from netcdf.h which is used in some * netCDF utilities which don't need or want the rest of the HDF header * files. -QAK - 2/17/99 ) **************************************************************************/ #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /* ------------------------- General Constants hdf.h --------------------- */ /* tbuf used as a temporary buffer for small jobs. The size is preferably > 512 but MUST be > ~256. It is advised that if an arbitrarily large buffer (> 100 bytes) is require, dynamic space be used. tbuf lives in the hfile.c */ #ifndef TBUF_SZ #if defined(macintosh) || defined(MAC) || defined(SYMANTEC_C) # define TBUF_SZ 256 #else /* !macintosh */ # define TBUF_SZ 1024 #endif /* !macintosh */ #endif /* File name max length (old annotations) */ #define DF_MAXFNLEN 256 /* * some max lengths for the Vset interface * * Except for FIELDNAMELENMAX, change these as you please, they * affect memory only, not the file. * */ #define FIELDNAMELENMAX 128 /* fieldname : 128 chars max */ #define VSFIELDMAX 256 /* max no of fields per vdata */ #define VSNAMELENMAX 64 /* vdata name : 64 chars max */ #define VGNAMELENMAX 64 /* vgroup name : 64 chars max */ /* Note: VGNAMELENMAX has been removed from library, test, and tools except in mfgr.c and Fortran interface, in favor of dynamic allocation. BMR- 1/28/2010 */ /* * default max no of objects in a vgroup * VGroup will grow dynamically if needed */ #define MAXNVELT 64 /* * Defaults for linked block operations with Vsets */ #define VDEFAULTBLKSIZE 4096 #define VDEFAULTNBLKS 32 /* Max order of a field in a Vdata */ #define MAX_ORDER 65535 #define MAX_FIELD_SIZE 65535 /* ------------------------- Constants for hfile.c --------------------- */ /* Maximum number of files (number of slots for file records) */ #ifndef MAX_FILE # define MAX_FILE 32 #endif /* MAX_FILE */ /* Maximum length of external filename(s) (used in hextelt.c) */ #ifndef MAX_PATH_LEN #define MAX_PATH_LEN 1024 #endif /* MAX_PATH_LEN */ /* ndds (number of dd's in a block) default, so user need not specify */ #ifndef DEF_NDDS # define DEF_NDDS 16 #endif /* DEF_NDDS */ /* ndds minimum, to prevent excessive overhead of very small dd-blocks */ #ifndef MIN_NDDS # define MIN_NDDS 4 #endif /* MIN_NDDS */ /* largest number that will fit into 16-bit word ref variable */ #define MAX_REF ((uint16)65535) /* length of block and number of blocks for converting 'appendable' data */ /* elements into linked blocks (will eventually be replaced by the newer */ /* variable-length blocks */ #define HDF_APPENDABLE_BLOCK_LEN 4096 #define HDF_APPENDABLE_BLOCK_NUM 16 /* hashing information */ #define HASH_MASK 0xff #define HASH_BLOCK_SIZE 100 /* ------------------------- Constants for Vxx interface --------------------- */ /* * Private conversion buffer stuff * VDATA_BUFFER_MAX is the largest buffer that can be allocated for * writing (haven't implemented reading yet). * Vtbuf is the buffer * Vtbufsize is the buffer size in bytes at any given time. * Vtbuf is increased in size as need be * BUG: the final Vtbuf never gets freed */ #define VDATA_BUFFER_MAX 1000000 /* --------------------- Constants for DFSDxx interface --------------------- */ #define DFS_MAXLEN 255 /* Max length of label/unit/format strings */ #define DFSD_MAXFILL_LEN 16 /* Current max length for fill_value space */ /* ----------------- Constants for COMPRESSION interface --------------------- */ /* Set the following macro to the value the highest compression scheme is */ #define COMP_MAX_COMP 12 #define COMP_HEADER_LENGTH 14 /* ----------------- Constants for DGROUP interface --------------------- */ #define MAX_GROUPS 8 /* ----------------- Constants for HERROR interface --------------------- */ #define FUNC_NAME_LEN 32 /* error_stack is the error stack. error_top is the stack top pointer, and points tothe next available slot on the stack */ #ifndef ERR_STACK_SZ # define ERR_STACK_SZ 10 #endif /* max size of a stored error description */ #ifndef ERR_STRING_SIZE # define ERR_STRING_SIZE 512 #endif /* ----------------- Constants for NETCDF interface(netcdf.h) ---------------- */ /* * This can be as large as the maximum number of stdio streams * you can have open on your system. */ #define H4_MAX_NC_OPEN MAX_FILE /* * These maximums are enforced by the interface, to facilitate writing * applications and utilities. However, nothing is statically allocated to * these sizes internally. */ #define H4_MAX_NC_DIMS 5000 /* max dimensions per file */ #define H4_MAX_NC_ATTRS 3000 /* max global or per variable attributes */ #define H4_MAX_NC_VARS 5000 /* max variables per file */ /* This macro changed the behavior of the SDcreate function in HDF4r1.3 * SDcreate started to fail if SDS name length was greater than 64, instead of truncating * it to 64 characters and creating a dataset. Switched back to the old definition. * EP 5/5/2000 #define H4_MAX_NC_NAME MIN(256,MIN(VSNAMELENMAX,VGNAMELENMAX)) */ #define H4_MAX_NC_NAME 256 /* max length of a name */ #define H4_MAX_NC_CLASS 128 /* max length of a class name - added this because 128 was used commonly in SD for class name, and this will help changing the class name variable declaration much easier - BMR 4/1/02*/ #define H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS 32 /* max per variable dimensions */ /* These definitions here are for backward/forward compatibiliy since major constants were modified with H4 prefix to avoid conflicts with the real NetCDF-3 library - EIP 9/5/07 */ #ifdef H4_HAVE_NETCDF #define MAX_NC_OPEN H4_MAX_NC_OPEN #define MAX_NC_DIMS H4_MAX_NC_DIMS #define MAX_NC_VARS H4_MAX_NC_VARS #define MAX_NC_NAME H4_MAX_NC_NAME #define MAX_NC_CLASS H4_MAX_NC_CLASS #define MAX_VAR_DIMS H4_MAX_VAR_DIMS #endif /* ----------------- Constants for MFGR interface --------------------- */ #define H4_MAX_GR_NAME 256 /* max length of a name */ #endif /* _HLIMITS_H */ /* ----------- Reserved classes and names for vdatas/vgroups -----*/ /* The names of the Vgroups created by the GR interface, from mfgr.h */ #define GR_NAME "RIG0.0" /* name of the Vgroup containing all the images */ #define RI_NAME "RI0.0" /* name of a Vgroup containing information a bout one image */ #define RIGATTRNAME "RIATTR0.0N" /* name of a Vdata containing an attribute */ #define RIGATTRCLASS "RIATTR0.0C" /* class of a Vdata containing an attribute */ /* Vdata and Vgroup attributes use the same class as that of SD attr, * _HDF_ATTRIBUTE "Attr0.0" 8/1/96 */ /* classes of the Vdatas/Vgroups created by the SD interface, from local_nc.h */ #define _HDF_ATTRIBUTE "Attr0.0" /* class of a Vdata containing SD interface attribute */ #define _HDF_VARIABLE "Var0.0" /* class of a Vgroup representing an SD NDG */ #define _HDF_SDSVAR "SDSVar" /* class of a Vdata indicating its group is an SDS variable */ /* - only after hdf4r2 */ #define _HDF_CRDVAR "CoordVar" /* name of a Vdata indicating its group is a coordinate variable */ /* - only after hdf4r2 */ #define _HDF_DIMENSION "Dim0.0" /* class of a Vgroup representing an SD dimension */ #define _HDF_UDIMENSION "UDim0.0" /* class of a Vgroup representing an SD UNLIMITED dimension*/ #define DIM_VALS "DimVal0.0" /* class of a Vdata containing an SD dimension size and fake values */ #define DIM_VALS01 "DimVal0.1" /* class of a Vdata containing an SD dimension size */ #define _HDF_CDF "CDF0.0" /* DATA is defined in DTM. Change DATA to DATA0 #define DATA "Data0.0" */ #define DATA0 "Data0.0" #define ATTR_FIELD_NAME "VALUES" /* The following vdata class name is reserved by the Chunking interface. originally defined in 'hchunks.h'. The full class name currently is "_HDF_CHK_TBL_0". -GV 9/25/97 Made the vdata class name available to other interfaces since it is needed during hmap project. -BMR 11/11/2010 */ #define _HDF_CHK_TBL_CLASS "_HDF_CHK_TBL_" /* 13 bytes */ #define _HDF_CHK_TBL_CLASS_VER 0 /* zero version number for class */ /* #define NUM_INTERNAL_VGS 6 char *INTERNAL_HDF_VGS[] = {_HDF_VARIABLE, _HDF_DIMENSION, _HDF_UDIMENSION, _HDF_CDF, GR_NAME, RI_NAME}; #define NUM_INTERNAL_VDS 8 char *INTERNAL_HDF_VDS[] = {DIM_VALS, DIM_VALS01, _HDF_ATTRIBUTE, _HDF_SDSVAR, _HDF_CRDVAR, "_HDF_CHK_TBL_", RIGATTRNAME, RIGATTRCLASS}; */ /* ------------ pre-defined attribute names ---------------- */ /* For MFGR interface */ #define FILL_ATTR "FillValue" /* name of an attribute containing the fill value */ /* For SD interface */ #define _FillValue "_FillValue" /* name of an attribute to set fill value for an SDS */ #define _HDF_LongName "long_name" /* data/dimension label string */ #define _HDF_Units "units" /* data/dimension unit string */ #define _HDF_Format "format" /* data/dimension format string */ #define _HDF_CoordSys "coordsys" /* data coordsys string */ #define _HDF_ValidRange "valid_range" /* valid range of data values */ #define _HDF_ScaleFactor "scale_factor" /* data calibration factor */ #define _HDF_ScaleFactorErr "scale_factor_err" /* data calibration factor error */ #define _HDF_AddOffset "add_offset" /* calibration offset */ #define _HDF_AddOffsetErr "add_offset_err" /* calibration offset error */ #define _HDF_CalibratedNt "calibrated_nt" /* data type of uncalibrated data */ #define _HDF_ValidMax "valid_max" #define _HDF_ValidMin "valid_min" #define _HDF_Remarks "remarks" /* annotation, by DFAN */ #define _HDF_AnnoLabel "anno_label" /* annotation label, by DFAN */