 * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
 * http://geos.osgeo.org
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Refractions Research Inc.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Licence as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation.
 * See the COPYING file for more information.
 * Last port: simplify/DouglasPeuckerSimplifier.java rev. 1.5 (JTS-1.7)


#include <geos/export.h>
#include <memory> // for unique_ptr

// Forward declarations
namespace geos {
namespace geom {
class Geometry;

namespace geos {
namespace simplify { // geos::simplify

/** \brief
 * Simplifies a Geometry using the standard Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
 * Ensures that any polygonal geometries returned are valid.
 * Simple lines are not guaranteed to remain simple after simplification.
 * Note that in general D-P does not preserve topology -
 * e.g. polygons can be split, collapse to lines or disappear
 * holes can be created or disappear,
 * and lines can cross.
 * To simplify geometry while preserving topology use TopologyPreservingSimplifier.
 * (However, using D-P is significantly faster).
class GEOS_DLL DouglasPeuckerSimplifier {


    static std::unique_ptr<geom::Geometry> simplify(
        const geom::Geometry* geom,
        double tolerance);

    DouglasPeuckerSimplifier(const geom::Geometry* geom);

    /** \brief
     * Sets the distance tolerance for the simplification.
     * All vertices in the simplified geometry will be within this
     * distance of the original geometry.
     * The tolerance value must be non-negative.  A tolerance value
     * of zero is effectively a no-op.
     * @param tolerance the approximation tolerance to use
    void setDistanceTolerance(double tolerance);

    std::unique_ptr<geom::Geometry> getResultGeometry();


    const geom::Geometry* inputGeom;

    double distanceTolerance;

} // namespace geos::simplify
} // namespace geos