 * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
 * http://geos.osgeo.org
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Refractions Research Inc.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation.
 * See the COPYING file for more information.
 * Last port: operation/buffer/SubgraphDepthLocater.java r320 (JTS-1.12)


#include <geos/export.h>

#include <vector>

#include <geos/geom/LineSegment.h> // for composition

// Forward declarations
namespace geos {
namespace geom {
class Coordinate;
namespace geomgraph {
class DirectedEdge;
namespace operation {
namespace buffer {
class BufferSubgraph;
class DepthSegment;

namespace geos {
namespace operation { // geos.operation
namespace buffer { // geos.operation.buffer

 * \class SubgraphDepthLocater opBuffer.h geos/opBuffer.h
 * \brief
 * Locates a subgraph inside a set of subgraphs,
 * in order to determine the outside depth of the subgraph.
 * The input subgraphs are assumed to have had depths
 * already calculated for their edges.
class GEOS_DLL SubgraphDepthLocater {


    SubgraphDepthLocater(std::vector<BufferSubgraph*>* newSubgraphs)

    ~SubgraphDepthLocater() {}

    int getDepth(const geom::Coordinate& p);


    std::vector<BufferSubgraph*>* subgraphs;

    geom::LineSegment seg;

     * Finds all non-horizontal segments intersecting the stabbing line.
     * The stabbing line is the ray to the right of stabbingRayLeftPt.
     * @param stabbingRayLeftPt the left-hand origin of the stabbing line
     * @param stabbedSegments a vector to which DepthSegments intersecting
     *        the stabbing line will be added.
    void findStabbedSegments(const geom::Coordinate& stabbingRayLeftPt,
                             std::vector<DepthSegment*>& stabbedSegments);

     * Finds all non-horizontal segments intersecting the stabbing line
     * in the list of dirEdges.
     * The stabbing line is the ray to the right of stabbingRayLeftPt.
     * @param stabbingRayLeftPt the left-hand origin of the stabbing line
     * @param stabbedSegments the current vector of DepthSegments
     *        intersecting the stabbing line will be added.
    void findStabbedSegments(const geom::Coordinate& stabbingRayLeftPt,
                             std::vector<geomgraph::DirectedEdge*>* dirEdges,
                             std::vector<DepthSegment*>& stabbedSegments);

     * Finds all non-horizontal segments intersecting the stabbing line
     * in the input dirEdge.
     * The stabbing line is the ray to the right of stabbingRayLeftPt.
     * @param stabbingRayLeftPt the left-hand origin of the stabbing line
     * @param stabbedSegments the current list of DepthSegments intersecting
     *        the stabbing line
    void findStabbedSegments(const geom::Coordinate& stabbingRayLeftPt,
                             geomgraph::DirectedEdge* dirEdge,
                             std::vector<DepthSegment*>& stabbedSegments);


} // namespace geos::operation::buffer
} // namespace geos::operation
} // namespace geos