/********************************************************************** * * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source * http://geos.osgeo.org * * Copyright (C) 2011 Sandro Santilli * Copyright (C) 2005 2006 Refractions Research Inc. * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Vivid Solutions Inc. * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * See the COPYING file for more information. * ********************************************************************** * * Last port: geom/Polygon.java r320 (JTS-1.12) * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef GEOS_GEOM_POLYGON_H #define GEOS_GEOM_POLYGON_H #include #include #include #include // for inheritance #include // for proper use of unique_ptr<> #include #include // for Dimension::DimensionType #include #include // for unique_ptr // Forward declarations namespace geos { namespace geom { // geos::geom class Coordinate; class CoordinateArraySequence; class CoordinateSequenceFilter; class LineString; } } namespace geos { namespace geom { // geos::geom /** * \class Polygon geom.h geos.h * * \brief Represents a linear polygon, which may include holes. * * The shell and holes of the polygon are represented by {@link LinearRing}s. * In a valid polygon, holes may touch the shell or other holes at a single point. * However, no sequence of touching holes may split the polygon into two pieces. * The orientation of the rings in the polygon does not matter. *

* The shell and holes must conform to the assertions specified in the OpenGIS Simple Features * Specification for SQL . * */ class GEOS_DLL Polygon: public Geometry { public: friend class GeometryFactory; /// A vector of const Polygon pointers typedef std::vector ConstVect; ~Polygon() override = default; /** * Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link Polygon} object. * (including all coordinates contained by it). * * @return a clone of this instance */ std::unique_ptr clone() const override { return std::unique_ptr(new Polygon(*this)); } std::unique_ptr getCoordinates() const override; size_t getNumPoints() const override; /// Returns surface dimension (2) Dimension::DimensionType getDimension() const override; /// Returns coordinate dimension. int getCoordinateDimension() const override; /// Returns 1 (Polygon boundary is a MultiLineString) int getBoundaryDimension() const override; /** \brief * Computes the boundary of this geometry * * @return a lineal geometry (which may be empty) * @see Geometry#getBoundary */ std::unique_ptr getBoundary() const override; bool isEmpty() const override; /// Returns the exterior ring (shell) const LinearRing* getExteriorRing() const; /// Returns number of interior rings (hole) size_t getNumInteriorRing() const; /// Get nth interior ring (hole) const LinearRing* getInteriorRingN(std::size_t n) const; std::string getGeometryType() const override; GeometryTypeId getGeometryTypeId() const override; bool equalsExact(const Geometry* other, double tolerance = 0) const override; void apply_rw(const CoordinateFilter* filter) override; void apply_ro(CoordinateFilter* filter) const override; void apply_rw(GeometryFilter* filter) override; void apply_ro(GeometryFilter* filter) const override; void apply_rw(CoordinateSequenceFilter& filter) override; void apply_ro(CoordinateSequenceFilter& filter) const override; void apply_rw(GeometryComponentFilter* filter) override; void apply_ro(GeometryComponentFilter* filter) const override; std::unique_ptr convexHull() const override; void normalize() override; std::unique_ptr reverse() const override; int compareToSameClass(const Geometry* p) const override; //was protected const Coordinate* getCoordinate() const override; double getArea() const override; /// Returns the perimeter of this Polygon double getLength() const override; bool isRectangle() const override; protected: Polygon(const Polygon& p); /** * Constructs a Polygon with the given exterior * and interior boundaries. * * @param newShell the outer boundary of the new Polygon, * or null or an empty * LinearRing if the empty geometry * is to be created. * * @param newHoles the LinearRings defining the inner * boundaries of the new Polygon, or * null or empty LinearRing * if the empty geometry is to be created. * * @param newFactory the GeometryFactory used to create this geometry * * Polygon will take ownership of Shell and Holes LinearRings */ Polygon(LinearRing* newShell, std::vector* newHoles, const GeometryFactory* newFactory); Polygon(std::unique_ptr && newShell, const GeometryFactory& newFactory); Polygon(std::unique_ptr && newShell, std::vector> && newHoles, const GeometryFactory& newFactory); std::unique_ptr shell; std::vector> holes; Envelope::Ptr computeEnvelopeInternal() const override; int getSortIndex() const override { return SORTINDEX_POLYGON; }; private: void normalize(LinearRing* ring, bool clockwise); }; } // namespace geos::geom } // namespace geos #endif // ndef GEOS_GEOM_POLYGON_H