/********************************************************************** * * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source * http://geos.osgeo.org * * Copyright (C) 2006 Refractions Research Inc. * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * See the COPYING file for more information. * ********************************************************************** * * Last port: geom/Envelope.java rev 1.46 (JTS-1.10) * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef GEOS_GEOM_ENVELOPE_H #define GEOS_GEOM_ENVELOPE_H #include <geos/export.h> #include <geos/inline.h> #include <geos/geom/Coordinate.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <ostream> // for operator<< #include <memory> namespace geos { namespace geom { // geos::geom class Envelope; /// Output operator GEOS_DLL std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Envelope& o); class Coordinate; /** * \class Envelope geom.h geos.h * * \brief * An Envelope defines a rectangulare region of the 2D coordinate plane. * * It is often used to represent the bounding box of a Geometry, * e.g. the minimum and maximum x and y values of the Coordinates. * * Note that Envelopes support infinite or half-infinite regions, by using * the values of `Double_POSITIVE_INFINITY` and `Double_NEGATIVE_INFINITY`. * * When Envelope objects are created or initialized, the supplies extent * values are automatically sorted into the correct order. * */ class GEOS_DLL Envelope { public: friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Envelope& o); typedef std::unique_ptr<Envelope> Ptr; /** \brief * Creates a null Envelope. */ Envelope(); /** \brief * Creates an Envelope for a region defined by maximum and minimum values. * * @param x1 the first x-value * @param x2 the second x-value * @param y1 the first y-value * @param y2 the second y-value */ Envelope(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2); /** \brief * Creates an Envelope for a region defined by two Coordinates. * * @param p1 the first Coordinate * @param p2 the second Coordinate */ Envelope(const Coordinate& p1, const Coordinate& p2); /** \brief * Creates an Envelope for a region defined by a single Coordinate. * * @param p the Coordinate */ Envelope(const Coordinate& p); /// Copy constructor Envelope(const Envelope& env); /// Assignment operator Envelope& operator=(const Envelope& e); /** \brief * Create an Envelope from an Envelope string representation produced * by Envelope::toString() */ Envelope(const std::string& str); /** \brief * Test the point `q` to see whether it intersects the Envelope * defined by `p1-p2`. * * @param p1 one extremal point of the envelope * @param p2 another extremal point of the envelope * @param q the point to test for intersection * @return `true` if q intersects the envelope p1-p2 */ static bool intersects(const Coordinate& p1, const Coordinate& p2, const Coordinate& q); /** \brief * Test the envelope defined by `p1-p2` for intersection * with the envelope defined by `q1-q2`. * * @param p1 one extremal point of the envelope P * @param p2 another extremal point of the envelope P * @param q1 one extremal point of the envelope Q * @param q2 another extremal point of the envelope Q * * @return `true` if Q intersects P */ static bool intersects(const Coordinate& p1, const Coordinate& p2, const Coordinate& q1, const Coordinate& q2); /** \brief * Check if the extent defined by two extremal points intersects * the extent of this Envelope. * * @param a a point * @param b another point * @return `true` if the extents intersect */ bool intersects(const Coordinate& a, const Coordinate& b) const; /** \brief * Initialize to a null Envelope. */ void init(void); /** \brief * Initialize an Envelope for a region defined by maximum and minimum values. * * @param x1 the first x-value * @param x2 the second x-value * @param y1 the first y-value * @param y2 the second y-value */ void init(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2); /** \brief * Initialize an Envelope to a region defined by two Coordinates. * * @param p1 the first Coordinate * @param p2 the second Coordinate */ void init(const Coordinate& p1, const Coordinate& p2); /** \brief * Initialize an Envelope to a region defined by a single Coordinate. * * @param p the Coordinate */ void init(const Coordinate& p); // use assignment operator instead //void init(Envelope env); /** \brief * Makes this `Envelope` a "null" envelope, that is, the envelope * of the empty geometry. */ void setToNull(void); /** \brief * Returns `true` if this Envelope is a "null" envelope. * * @return `true` if this Envelope is uninitialized or is the * envelope of the empty geometry. */ bool isNull(void) const; /** \brief * Returns the difference between the maximum and minimum x values. * * @return `max x - min x`, or 0 if this is a null Envelope */ double getWidth(void) const; /** \brief * Returns the difference between the maximum and minimum y values. * * @return `max y - min y`, or 0 if this is a null Envelope */ double getHeight(void) const; /** \brief * Gets the area of this envelope. * * @return the area of the envelope * @return 0.0 if the envelope is null */ double getArea() const { return getWidth() * getHeight(); } /** \brief * Returns the Envelope maximum y-value. `min y > max y` indicates * that this is a null Envelope. */ double getMaxY() const; /** \brief * Returns the Envelope maximum x-value. `min x > max x` indicates * that this is a null Envelope. */ double getMaxX() const; /** \brief * Returns the Envelope minimum y-value. `min y > max y` indicates * that this is a null Envelope. */ double getMinY() const; /** \brief * Returns the Envelope minimum x-value. `min x > max x` indicates * that this is a null Envelope. */ double getMinX() const; /** \brief * Computes the coordinate of the centre of this envelope * (as long as it is non-null). * * @param centre The coordinate to write results into * @return `false` if the center could not be found (null envelope). */ bool centre(Coordinate& centre) const; /** \brief * Computes the intersection of two [Envelopes](@ref Envelope). * * @param env the envelope to intersect with * @param result the envelope representing the intersection of * the envelopes (this will be the null envelope * if either argument is null, or they do not intersect) * @return false if not intersection is found */ bool intersection(const Envelope& env, Envelope& result) const; /** \brief * Translates this envelope by given amounts in the X and Y direction. * * @param transX the amount to translate along the X axis * @param transY the amount to translate along the Y axis */ void translate(double transX, double transY); /** \brief * Expands this envelope by a given distance in all directions. * Both positive and negative distances are supported. * * @param deltaX the distance to expand the envelope along the X axis * @param deltaY the distance to expand the envelope along the Y axis */ void expandBy(double deltaX, double deltaY); /** \brief * Expands this envelope by a given distance in all directions. * * Both positive and negative distances are supported. * * @param p_distance the distance to expand the envelope */ void expandBy(double p_distance) { expandBy(p_distance, p_distance); } /** \brief * Enlarges the boundary of the Envelope so that it contains p. Does * nothing if p is already on or within the boundaries. * * @param p the Coordinate to include */ void expandToInclude(const Coordinate& p); /** \brief * Enlarges the boundary of the Envelope so that it contains (x,y). * * Does nothing if (x,y) is already on or within the boundaries. * * @param x the value to lower the minimum x * to or to raise the maximum x to * @param y the value to lower the minimum y * to or to raise the maximum y to */ void expandToInclude(double x, double y); /** \brief * Enlarges the boundary of the Envelope so that it contains `other`. * * Does nothing if other is wholly on or within the boundaries. * * @param other the Envelope to merge with */ void expandToInclude(const Envelope* other); /** \brief * Tests if the Envelope `other` lies wholly inside this Envelope * (inclusive of the boundary). * * Note that this is **not** the same definition as the SFS `contains`, * which would exclude the envelope boundary. * * @param other the Envelope to check * @return `true` if `other` is contained in this Envelope * * @see covers(Envelope) */ bool contains(const Envelope& other) const { return covers(other); } bool contains(const Envelope* other) const { return contains(*other); } /** \brief * Returns `true` if the given point lies in or on the envelope. * * @param p the point which this Envelope is being checked for containing * @return `true` if the point lies in the interior or on the boundary * of this Envelope. */ bool contains(const Coordinate& p) const { return covers(p.x, p.y); } /** \brief * Returns `true` if the given point lies in or on the envelope. * * @param x the x-coordinate of the point which this Envelope is * being checked for containing * @param y the y-coordinate of the point which this Envelope is being * checked for containing * @return `true` if `(x, y)` lies in the interior or on the boundary * of this Envelope. */ bool contains(double x, double y) const { return covers(x, y); } /** \brief * Check if the point p intersects (lies inside) the region of this Envelope. * * @param p the Coordinate to be tested * @return true if the point intersects this Envelope */ bool intersects(const Coordinate& p) const; /** \brief * Check if the point (x, y) intersects (lies inside) the region of this Envelope. * * @param x the x-ordinate of the point * @param y the y-ordinate of the point * @return `true` if the point intersects this Envelope */ bool intersects(double x, double y) const; /** \brief * Check if the region defined by other Envelope intersects the region of this Envelope. * * @param other the Envelope which this Envelope is being checked for intersection * @return true if the Envelopes intersects */ bool intersects(const Envelope* other) const; bool intersects(const Envelope& other) const; /** \brief * Tests if the given point lies in or on the envelope. * * @param x the x-coordinate of the point which this Envelope is being checked for containing * @param y the y-coordinate of the point which this Envelope is being checked for containing * @return `true` if `(x, y)` lies in the interior or on the boundary of this Envelope. */ bool covers(double x, double y) const; /** \brief * Tests if the given point lies in or on the envelope. * * @param p the point which this Envelope is being checked for containing * @return `true` if the point lies in the interior or on the boundary of this Envelope. */ bool covers(const Coordinate* p) const; /** \brief * Tests if the Envelope `other` lies wholly inside this Envelope (inclusive of the boundary). * * @param other the Envelope to check * @return true if this Envelope covers the `other` */ bool covers(const Envelope& other) const; bool covers(const Envelope* other) const { return covers(*other); } /** \brief * Returns `true` if the Envelope `other` spatially equals this Envelope. * * @param other the Envelope which this Envelope is being checked for equality * @return `true` if this and `other` Envelope objects are spatially equal */ bool equals(const Envelope* other) const; /** \brief * Returns a `string` of the form `Env[minx:maxx,miny:maxy]`. * * @return a `string` of the form `Env[minx:maxx,miny:maxy]` */ std::string toString(void) const; /** \brief * Computes the distance between this and another Envelope. * * The distance between overlapping Envelopes is 0. Otherwise, the * distance is the Euclidean distance between the closest points. */ double distance(const Envelope* env) const; size_t hashCode() const; private: /** \brief * Splits a string into parts based on the supplied delimiters. * * This is a generic function that really belongs in a utility * file somewhere */ std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& str, const std::string& delimiters = " "); static double distance(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1); /// the minimum x-coordinate double minx; /// the maximum x-coordinate double maxx; /// the minimum y-coordinate double miny; /// the maximum y-coordinate double maxy; }; /// Checks if two Envelopes are equal (2D only check) GEOS_DLL bool operator==(const Envelope& a, const Envelope& b); } // namespace geos::geom } // namespace geos #ifdef GEOS_INLINE # include "geos/geom/Envelope.inl" #endif #endif // ndef GEOS_GEOM_ENVELOPE_H