 * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
 * http://geos.osgeo.org
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Refractions Research Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2018 Daniel Baston <dbaston@gmail.com>
 * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation.
 * See the COPYING file for more information.


#include <geos/geom/LineSegment.h>
#include <geos/algorithm/locate/PointOnGeometryLocator.h> // inherited
#include <geos/index/ItemVisitor.h> // inherited
#include <geos/index/intervalrtree/SortedPackedIntervalRTree.h> // inherited

#include <memory>
#include <vector> // composition

namespace geos {
namespace algorithm {
class RayCrossingCounter;
namespace geom {
class Geometry;
class Coordinate;
class CoordinateSequence;

namespace geos {
namespace algorithm { // geos::algorithm
namespace locate { // geos::algorithm::locate

/** \brief
 * Determines the location of [Coordinates](@ref geom::Coordinate) relative to
 * an areal geometry, using indexing for efficiency.
 * The Location is computed precisely, in that points located on the geometry boundary
 * or segments will return [Location::BOUNDARY](@ref geom::Location::BOUNDARY).
 * Polygonal and [LinearRing](@ref geom::LinearRing) geometries are supported.
class IndexedPointInAreaLocator : public PointOnGeometryLocator {
    class IntervalIndexedGeometry {
        index::intervalrtree::SortedPackedIntervalRTree index;
        bool isEmpty;

        void init(const geom::Geometry& g);
        void addLine(const geom::CoordinateSequence* pts);

        // To keep track of LineSegments
        std::vector< geom::LineSegment > segments;

        IntervalIndexedGeometry(const geom::Geometry& g);

        void query(double min, double max, index::ItemVisitor* visitor);

    class SegmentVisitor : public index::ItemVisitor {
        algorithm::RayCrossingCounter* counter;

        SegmentVisitor(algorithm::RayCrossingCounter* p_counter)
            :	counter(p_counter)
        { }

        ~SegmentVisitor() override
        { }

        void visitItem(void* item) override;

    const geom::Geometry& areaGeom;
    std::unique_ptr<IntervalIndexedGeometry> index;

    void buildIndex(const geom::Geometry& g);

    // Declare type as noncopyable
    IndexedPointInAreaLocator(const IndexedPointInAreaLocator& other) = delete;
    IndexedPointInAreaLocator& operator=(const IndexedPointInAreaLocator& rhs) = delete;

    /** \brief
     * Creates a new locator for a given [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry).
     * Polygonal and [LinearRing](@ref geom::LinearRing) geometries are supported.
     * @param g the Geometry to locate in
    IndexedPointInAreaLocator(const geom::Geometry& g);

    /** \brief
     * Determines the [Location](@ref geom::Location) of a point in an areal
     * [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry).
     * @param p the point to test
     * @return the location of the point in the geometry
    geom::Location locate(const geom::Coordinate* /*const*/ p) override;


} // geos::algorithm::locate
} // geos::algorithm
} // geos