 * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
 * http://geos.osgeo.org
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Refractions Research Inc.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation.
 * See the COPYING file for more information.
 * Last port: operation/overlay/LineBuilder.java rev. 1.15 (JTS-1.10)


#include <geos/export.h>

#include <geos/operation/overlay/OverlayOp.h> // for OverlayOp::OpCode enum

#include <vector>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4251) // warning C4251: needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class

// Forward declarations
namespace geos {
namespace geom {
class GeometryFactory;
class CoordinateSequence;
class LineString;
namespace geomgraph {
class DirectedEdge;
class Edge;
namespace algorithm {
class PointLocator;
namespace operation {
namespace overlay {
class OverlayOp;

namespace geos {
namespace operation { // geos::operation
namespace overlay { // geos::operation::overlay

/** \brief
 * Forms JTS LineStrings out of a the graph of geomgraph::DirectedEdge
 * created by an OverlayOp.
class GEOS_DLL LineBuilder {


    LineBuilder(OverlayOp* newOp,
                const geom::GeometryFactory* newGeometryFactory,
                algorithm::PointLocator* newPtLocator);

    ~LineBuilder() = default;

     * @return a list of the LineStrings in the result of the specified overlay operation
    std::vector<geom::LineString*>* build(OverlayOp::OpCode opCode);

     * Collect line edges which are in the result.
     * Line edges are in the result if they are not part of
     * an area boundary, if they are in the result of the overlay operation,
     * and if they are not covered by a result area.
     * @param de the directed edge to test.
     * @param opCode the overlap operation
     * @param edges the list of included line edges.
    void collectLineEdge(geomgraph::DirectedEdge* de,
                         OverlayOp::OpCode opCode,
                         std::vector<geomgraph::Edge*>* edges);

    OverlayOp* op;
    const geom::GeometryFactory* geometryFactory;
    algorithm::PointLocator* ptLocator;
    std::vector<geomgraph::Edge*> lineEdgesList;
    std::vector<geom::LineString*>* resultLineList;
    void findCoveredLineEdges();
    void collectLines(OverlayOp::OpCode opCode);
    void buildLines(OverlayOp::OpCode opCode);
    void labelIsolatedLines(std::vector<geomgraph::Edge*>* edgesList);

     * Collect edges from Area inputs which should be in the result but
     * which have not been included in a result area.
     * This happens ONLY:
     *  -  during an intersection when the boundaries of two
     *     areas touch in a line segment
     *  -   OR as a result of a dimensional collapse.
    void collectBoundaryTouchEdge(geomgraph::DirectedEdge* de,
                                  OverlayOp::OpCode opCode,
                                  std::vector<geomgraph::Edge*>* edges);

     * Label an isolated node with its relationship to the target geometry.
    void labelIsolatedLine(geomgraph::Edge* e, uint8_t targetIndex);

     * If the given CoordinateSequence has mixed 3d/2d vertexes
     * set Z for all vertexes missing it.
     * The Z value is interpolated between 3d vertexes and copied
     * from a 3d vertex to the end.
    void propagateZ(geom::CoordinateSequence* cs);

} // namespace geos::operation::overlay
} // namespace geos::operation
} // namespace geos

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)