* GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
* http://geos.osgeo.org
* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Vivid Solutions Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Refractions Research Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2019 Nicklas Larsson
* This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
* by the Free Software Foundation.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
namespace geos {
/// \brief
/// Contains classes and interfaces implementing fundamental computational
/// geometry algorithms.
/// ### Robustness
/// Geometrical algorithms involve a combination of combinatorial and numerical
/// computation. As with all numerical computation using finite-precision
/// numbers, the algorithms chosen are susceptible to problems of robustness.
/// A robustness problem occurs when a numerical calculation produces an
/// incorrect answer for some inputs due to round-off errors. Robustness
/// problems are especially serious in geometric computation, since they can
/// result in errors during topology building.
/// There are many approaches to dealing with the problem of robustness in
/// geometrical computation. Not surprisingly, most robust algorithms are
/// substantially more complex and less performant than the non-robust
/// versions. Fortunately, JTS is sensitive to robustness problems in only a
/// few key functions (such as line intersection and the point-in-polygon
/// test). There are efficient robust algorithms available for these
/// functions, and these algorithms are implemented in JTS.
/// ### Computational Performance
/// Runtime performance is an important consideration for a production-quality
/// implementation of geometric algorithms. The most computationally intensive
/// algorithm used in JTS is intersection detection. JTS methods need to
/// determine both all intersection between the line segments in a single
/// Geometry (self-intersection) and all intersections between the line
/// segments of two different Geometries.
/// The obvious naive algorithm for intersection detection (comparing every
/// segment with every other) has unacceptably slow performance. There is a
/// large literature of faster algorithms for intersection detection.
/// Unfortunately, many of them involve substantial code complexity. JTS tries
/// to balance code simplicity with performance gains. It uses some simple
/// techniques to produce substantial performance gains for common types of
/// input data.
/// ### Package Specification
/// - Java Topology Suite Technical Specifications
/// -
/// OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL
namespace algorithm { // geos::algorithm
/// Classes to compute distance metrics between geometries.
namespace distance {}
/// Classes which determine the Location of points in geometries.
namespace locate {}
} // namespace geos::algorithm
namespace geom { // geos.geom
/// \brief
/// Contains classes and interfaces implementing algorithms that optimize
/// the performance of repeated calls to specific geometric operations.
namespace prep {}
/// \brief
/// Provides classes that parse and modify Geometry objects.
namespace util {}
} // namespace geos.geom
/// \brief
/// Contains classes that implement topology graphs.
/// The Java Topology Suite (JTS) is a Java API that implements a core set of
/// spatial data operations using an explicit precision model and robust
/// geometric algorithms. JTS is int ended to be used in the development of
/// applications that support the validation, cleaning, integration and
/// querying of spatial datasets.
/// JTS attempts to implement the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification (SFS)
/// as accurately as possible. In some cases the SFS is unclear or omits a
/// specification; in this case JTS attempts to choose a reasonable and
/// consistent alternative. Differences from and elaborations of the SFS are
/// documented in this specification.
/// ### Package Specification
/// - Java Topology Suite Technical Specifications
/// -
/// OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL
namespace geomgraph { // geos.geomgraph
/// \brief
/// Contains classes that implement indexes for performing noding on
/// geometry graph edges.
namespace index {}
} // namespace geos.geomgraph
/// Provides classes for various kinds of spatial indexes.
namespace index { // geos.index
/// Contains classes that implement a Binary Interval Tree index
namespace bintree {}
/// Contains classes that implement Monotone Chains
namespace chain {}
/// \brief Contains classes that implement a static index on a set of
/// 1-dimensional intervals, using an R-Tree packed based on the order of
/// the interval midpoints.
namespace intervalrtree {}
/// Contains classes that implement a Quadtree spatial index
namespace quadtree {}
/// \brief Contains 2-D and 1-D versions of the Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR)
/// tree, a query-only R-tree.
namespace strtree {}
/// \brief Contains classes which implement a sweepline algorithm for
/// scanning geometric data structures.
namespace sweepline {}
} // namespace geos.index
/// \brief
/// Contains the interfaces for converting JTS objects to and from other
/// formats.
/// The Java Topology Suite (JTS) is a Java API that implements a core set of
/// spatial data operations usin g an explicit precision model and robust
/// geometric algorithms. JTS is intended to be used in the devel opment of
/// applications that support the validation, cleaning, integration and
/// querying of spatial data sets.
/// JTS attempts to implement the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification (SFS)
/// as accurately as possible. In some cases the SFS is unclear or omits a
/// specification; in this case JTS attempts to choose a reasonable and
/// consistent alternative. Differences from and elaborations of the SFS are
/// documented in this specification.
/// ### Package Specification
/// - Java Topology Suite Technical Specifications
/// -
/// OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL
namespace io {}
/// \brief Contains classes and interfaces implementing linear referencing on
/// linear geometries.
namespace linearref {}
/// \brief Classes to compute nodings for arrangements of line segments and
/// line segment sequences.
namespace noding { // geos.noding
/// \brief Contains classes to implement the Snap Rounding algorithm for
/// noding linestrings.
namespace snapround {}
} // namespace geos.noding
/// Provides classes for implementing operations on geometries.
namespace operation { // geos.operation
/// Provides classes for computing buffers of geometries
namespace buffer {}
/// Provides classes for computing the distance between geometries.
namespace distance {}
/// \brief Provides classes for computing the intersection of a Geometry
/// and a clipping Rectangle.
namespace intersection {}
/// Line merging package.
namespace linemerge {}
/// \brief
/// Contains classes that perform a topological overlay to compute boolean
/// spatial functions.
/// The Overlay Algorithm is used in spatial analysis methods for computing
/// set-theoretic operations (boolean combinations) of input
/// [Geometrys](\ref geom::Geometry).
/// The algorithm for computing the overlay uses the intersection operations
/// supported by topology graphs. To compute an overlay it is necessary to
/// explicitly compute the resultant graph formed by the computed
/// intersections.
/// The algorithm to compute a set-theoretic spatial analysis method has the
/// following steps:
/// - Build topology graphs of the two input geometries. For each geometry
/// all self-intersection nodes are computed and added to the graph.
/// - Compute nodes for all intersections between edges and nodes of the
/// graphs.
/// - Compute the labeling for the computed nodes by merging the labels from
/// the input graphs.
/// - Compute new edges between the compute intersection nodes.
/// Label the edges appropriately.
/// - Build the resultant graph from the new nodes and edges.
/// - Compute the labeling for isolated components of the graph. Add the
/// isolated components to the resultant graph.
/// - Compute the result of the boolean combination by selecting the node
/// and edges with the appropriate labels. Polygonize areas and sew linear
/// geometries together.
/// ### Package Specification
/// - Java Topology Suite Technical Specifications
/// -
/// OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL
namespace overlay {}
/// An API for polygonizing sets of lines.
namespace polygonize {}
/// \brief Classes which implement topological predicates optimized for
/// particular kinds of geometries.
namespace predicate {}
/// \brief Contains classes to implement the computation of the spatial
/// relationships of `Geometry`s.
/// The `relate` algorithm computes the `IntersectionMatrix` describing the
/// relationship of two `Geometry`s. The algorithm for computing `relate`
/// uses the intersection operations supported by topology graphs. Although
/// the `relate` result depends on the resultant graph formed by the
/// computed intersections, there is no need to explicitly compute the
/// entire graph. It is sufficient to compute the local structure of the
/// graph at each intersection node.
/// The algorithm to compute `relate` has the following steps:
/// - Build topology graphs of the two input geometries. For each geometry
/// all self-intersection nodes are computed and added to the graph.
/// - Compute nodes for all intersections between edges and nodes of the
/// graphs.
/// - Compute the labeling for the computed nodes by merging the labels
/// from the input graphs.
/// - Compute the labeling for isolated components of the graph (see below)
/// - Compute the `IntersectionMatrix` from the labels on the nodes and
/// edges.
/// ### Labeling isolated components
/// Isolated components are components (edges or nodes) of an input
/// `Geometry` which do not contain any intersections with the other input
/// `Geometry`. The topological relationship of these components to the
/// other input `Geometry` must be computed in order to determine the
/// complete labeling of the component. This can be done by testing whether
/// the component lies in the interior or exterior of the other `Geometry`.
/// If the other `Geometry` is 1-dimensional, the isolated component must
/// lie in the exterior (since otherwise it would have an intersection with
/// an edge of the `Geometry`). If the other `Geometry` is 2-dimensional,
/// a Point-In-Polygon test can be used to determine whether the isolated
/// component is in the interior or exterior.
/// ### Package Specification
/// - Java Topology Suite Technical Specifications
/// -
/// OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL
namespace relate {}
/// Find shared paths among two linear Geometry objects.
namespace sharedpaths {}
/// Classes to perform efficient unioning of collections of geometries.
namespace geounion {}
/// Provides classes for testing the validity of geometries.
namespace valid {}
} // namespace geos.operation
/// Contains classes to implement a planar graph data structure.
namespace planargraph { // geos::planargraph
/// Planargraph algorithms.
namespace algorithm {}
} // namespace geos::planargraph
/// Provides classes for manipulating the precision model of Geometries.
namespace precision {}
/// Classes which implement algorithms for simplifying or generalizing geometries.
namespace simplify {}
/// Classes to compute Delaunay triangulations.
namespace triangulate { // geos.triangulate
/// \brief Classes to implement a topological subdivision of quadeges, to
/// support creating triangulations and Voronoi diagrams.
namespace quadedge {}
} // namespace geos.triangulate
/// Utility classes for GEOS.
namespace util {}
} // namespace geos