/********************************************************************** * * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source * http://geos.osgeo.org * * Copyright (C) 2011 Sandro Santilli * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Refractions Research Inc. * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Vivid Solutions Inc. * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * See the COPYING file for more information. * ********************************************************************** * * Last port: linearref/LinearLocation.java r463 * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef GEOS_LINEARREF_LINEARLOCATION_H #define GEOS_LINEARREF_LINEARLOCATION_H #include #include // for std::unique_ptr #include #include #include namespace geos { namespace linearref { // geos::linearref /** \brief * Represents a location along a [LineString](@ref geom::LineString) * or [MultiLineString](@ref geom::MultiLineString). * * The referenced geometry is not maintained within this location, but * must be provided for operations which require it. * Various methods are provided to manipulate the location value and * query the geometry it references. */ class LinearLocation { private: std::size_t componentIndex; std::size_t segmentIndex; double segmentFraction; /** \brief * Ensures the individual values are locally valid. * * Does **not** ensure that the indexes are valid for * a particular linear geometry. * * @see clamp */ void normalize(); public: /** \brief * Gets a location which refers to the end of a linear * [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry). * * @param linear the linear geometry * @return a new `LinearLocation` */ static LinearLocation getEndLocation(const geom::Geometry* linear); /** \brief * Computes the [Coordinate](@ref geom::Coordinate) of a point a given * fraction along the line segment `(p0, p1)`. * * If the fraction is greater than 1.0 the last * point of the segment is returned. * If the fraction is less than or equal to 0.0 the first point * of the segment is returned. * The Z ordinate is interpolated from the Z-ordinates of * the given points, if they are specified. * * @param p0 the first point of the line segment * @param p1 the last point of the line segment * @param frac the length to the desired point * @return the Coordinate of the desired point */ static geom::Coordinate pointAlongSegmentByFraction(const geom::Coordinate& p0, const geom::Coordinate& p1, double frac); /** \brief * Creates a location referring to the start of a linear geometry */ LinearLocation(std::size_t segmentIndex = 0, double segmentFraction = 0.0); LinearLocation(std::size_t componentIndex, std::size_t segmentIndex, double segmentFraction); /** \brief * Ensures the indexes are valid for a given linear [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry). * * @param linear a linear geometry */ void clamp(const geom::Geometry* linear); /** \brief * Snaps the value of this location to the nearest vertex on the given linear * [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry), if the vertex is closer than `minDistance`. * * @param linearGeom a linear geometry * @param minDistance the minimum allowable distance to a vertex */ void snapToVertex(const geom::Geometry* linearGeom, double minDistance); /** \brief * Gets the length of the segment in the given * Geometry containing this location. * * @param linearGeom a linear geometry * @return the length of the segment */ double getSegmentLength(const geom::Geometry* linearGeom) const; /** \brief * Sets the value of this location to * refer the end of a linear geometry. * * @param linear the linear geometry to set */ void setToEnd(const geom::Geometry* linear); /** \brief * Gets the component index for this location. * * @return the component index */ std::size_t getComponentIndex() const; /** \brief * Gets the segment index for this location. * * @return the segment index */ std::size_t getSegmentIndex() const; /** \brief * Gets the segment fraction for this location. * * @return the segment fraction */ double getSegmentFraction() const; /** \brief * Tests whether this location refers to a vertex. * * @return true if the location is a vertex */ bool isVertex() const; /** \brief * Gets the [Coordinate](@ref geom::Coordinate) along the given linear * [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry) which is referenced by this location. * * @param linearGeom the linear geometry referenced by this location * @return the Coordinate at the location */ geom::Coordinate getCoordinate(const geom::Geometry* linearGeom) const; /** \brief * Gets a [LineSegment](@ref geom::LineSegment) representing the segment of the * given linear [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry) which contains this location. * * @param linearGeom a linear geometry * @return the LineSegment containing the location */ std::unique_ptr getSegment(const geom::Geometry* linearGeom) const; /** \brief * Tests whether this location refers to a valid * location on the given linear [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry). * * @param linearGeom a linear geometry * @return true if this location is valid */ bool isValid(const geom::Geometry* linearGeom) const; /** \brief * Compares this object with the specified object for order. * * @param other the LinearLocation with which this Coordinate is being compared * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this * LinearLocation is less than, equal to, or greater than * the specified LinearLocation */ int compareTo(const LinearLocation& other) const; /** \brief * Compares this object with the specified index values for order. * * @param componentIndex1 a component index * @param segmentIndex1 a segment index * @param segmentFraction1 a segment fraction * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this LinearLocation * is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified locationValues */ int compareLocationValues(std::size_t componentIndex1, std::size_t segmentIndex1, double segmentFraction1) const; /** \brief * Compares two sets of location values for order. * * @param componentIndex0 a component index * @param segmentIndex0 a segment index * @param segmentFraction0 a segment fraction * @param componentIndex1 another component index * @param segmentIndex1 another segment index * @param segmentFraction1 another segment fraction * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer * as the first set of location values * is less than, equal to, or greater than the second set of locationValues */ static int compareLocationValues( std::size_t componentIndex0, std::size_t segmentIndex0, double segmentFraction0, std::size_t componentIndex1, std::size_t segmentIndex1, double segmentFraction1); /** \brief * Tests whether two locations are on the same * segment in the parent [Geometry](@ref geom::Geometry). * * @param loc a location on the same geometry * @return true if the locations are on the same segment of the parent geometry */ bool isOnSameSegment(const LinearLocation& loc) const; /** * \brief * Tests whether this location is an endpoint of * the linear component it refers to. * * @param linearGeom the linear geometry referenced by this location * @return true if the location is a component endpoint */ bool isEndpoint(const geom::Geometry& linearGeom) const; friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const LinearLocation& obj); }; } // namespace geos.linearref } // namespace geos #endif