/********************************************************************** * * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source * http://geos.osgeo.org * * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Daniel Baston * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * See the COPYING file for more information. * **********************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include // for inheritance #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace geos { namespace index { namespace strtree { /** * \brief * A query-only R-tree created using the Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR) algorithm. * For one- or two-dimensional spatial data. * * The STR packed R-tree is simple to implement and maximizes space * utilization; that is, as many leaves as possible are filled to capacity. * Overlap between nodes is far less than in a basic R-tree. However, once the * tree has been built (explicitly or on the first call to `query`), items may * not be added or removed. * * A user will instantiate `TemplateSTRtree` instead of `TemplateSTRtreeImpl`; * this structure is used so that `TemplateSTRtree` can implement the * requirements of the `SpatialIndex` interface, which is only possible when * `ItemType` is a pointer. * * Described in: P. Rigaux, Michel Scholl and Agnes Voisard. Spatial * Databases With Application To GIS. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2002. * */ template class TemplateSTRtreeImpl { public: using Node = TemplateSTRNode; using NodeList = std::vector; using NodeListIterator = typename NodeList::iterator; using BoundsType = typename BoundsTraits::BoundsType; class Iterator { public: using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; using value_type = ItemType; using difference_type = typename NodeList::const_iterator::difference_type; using pointer = ItemType*; using reference = ItemType&; Iterator(typename NodeList::const_iterator&& iter, typename NodeList::const_iterator&& end) : m_iter(iter), m_end(end) { skipDeleted(); } const ItemType& operator*() const { return m_iter->getItem(); } Iterator& operator++() { m_iter++; skipDeleted(); return *this; } friend bool operator==(const Iterator& a, const Iterator& b) { return a.m_iter == b.m_iter; } friend bool operator!=(const Iterator& a, const Iterator& b) { return a.m_iter != b.m_iter; } private: void skipDeleted() { while(m_iter != m_end && m_iter->isDeleted()) { m_iter++; } } typename NodeList::const_iterator m_iter; typename NodeList::const_iterator m_end; }; class Items { public: explicit Items(TemplateSTRtreeImpl& tree) : m_tree(tree) {} Iterator begin() { return Iterator(m_tree.nodes.cbegin(), std::next(m_tree.nodes.cbegin(), static_cast(m_tree.numItems))); } Iterator end() { return Iterator(std::next(m_tree.nodes.cbegin(), static_cast(m_tree.numItems)), std::next(m_tree.nodes.cbegin(), static_cast(m_tree.numItems))); } private: TemplateSTRtreeImpl& m_tree; }; /// \defgroup construct Constructors /// @{ /** * Constructs a tree with the given maximum number of child nodes that * a node may have. */ explicit TemplateSTRtreeImpl(size_t p_nodeCapacity = 10) : root(nullptr), nodeCapacity(p_nodeCapacity), numItems(0) {} /** * Constructs a tree with the given maximum number of child nodes that * a node may have, with the expected total number of items in the tree used * to pre-allocate storage. */ TemplateSTRtreeImpl(size_t p_nodeCapacity, size_t itemCapacity) : root(nullptr), nodeCapacity(p_nodeCapacity), numItems(0) { auto finalSize = treeSize(itemCapacity); nodes.reserve(finalSize); } /** * Copy constructor, needed because mutex is not copyable */ TemplateSTRtreeImpl(const TemplateSTRtreeImpl& other) : root(other.root), nodeCapacity(other.nodeCapacity), numItems(other.numItems) { nodes = other.nodes; } TemplateSTRtreeImpl& operator=(TemplateSTRtreeImpl other) { root = other.root; nodeCapacity = other.nodeCapacity; numItems = other.numItems; nodes = other.nodes; return *this; } /// @} /// \defgroup insert Insertion /// @{ /** Move the given item into the tree */ void insert(ItemType&& item) { insert(BoundsTraits::fromItem(item), std::forward(item)); } /** Insert a copy of the given item into the tree */ void insert(const ItemType& item) { insert(BoundsTraits::fromItem(item), item); } /** Move the given item into the tree */ void insert(const BoundsType& itemEnv, ItemType&& item) { if (!BoundsTraits::isNull(itemEnv)) { createLeafNode(std::forward(item), itemEnv); } } /** Insert a copy of the given item into the tree */ void insert(const BoundsType& itemEnv, const ItemType& item) { if (!BoundsTraits::isNull(itemEnv)) { createLeafNode(item, itemEnv); } } /// @} /// \defgroup NN Nearest-neighbor /// @{ /** Determine the two closest items in the tree using distance metric `distance`. */ template std::pair nearestNeighbour(ItemDistance& distance) { return nearestNeighbour(*this, distance); } /** Determine the two closest items in the tree using distance metric `distance`. */ template std::pair nearestNeighbour() { ItemDistance id; return nearestNeighbour(*this); } /** Determine the two closest items this tree and `other` tree using distance metric `distance`. */ template std::pair nearestNeighbour(TemplateSTRtreeImpl & other, ItemDistance & distance) { if (!getRoot() || !other.getRoot()) { return { nullptr, nullptr }; } TemplateSTRtreeDistance td(distance); return td.nearestNeighbour(*root, *other.root); } /** Determine the two closest items this tree and `other` tree using distance metric `distance`. */ template std::pair nearestNeighbour(TemplateSTRtreeImpl& other) { ItemDistance id; return nearestNeighbour(other, id); } template ItemType nearestNeighbour(const BoundsType& env, const ItemType& item, ItemDistance& itemDist) { build(); if (getRoot() == nullptr) { return nullptr; } TemplateSTRNode bnd(item, env); TemplateSTRNodePair pair(*getRoot(), bnd, itemDist); TemplateSTRtreeDistance td(itemDist); return td.nearestNeighbour(pair).first; } template ItemType nearestNeighbour(const BoundsType& env, const ItemType& item) { ItemDistance id; return nearestNeighbour(env, item, id); } /// @} /// \defgroup query Query /// @{ // Query the tree using the specified visitor. The visitor must be callable // either with a single argument of `const ItemType&` or with the // arguments `(const BoundsType&, const ItemType&). // The visitor need not return a value, but if it does return a value, // false values will be taken as a signal to stop the query. template void query(const BoundsType& queryEnv, Visitor &&visitor) { if (!built()) { build(); } if (root && root->boundsIntersect(queryEnv)) { if (root->isLeaf()) { visitLeaf(visitor, *root); } else { query(queryEnv, *root, visitor); } } } // Query the tree and collect items in the provided vector. void query(const BoundsType& queryEnv, std::vector& results) { query(queryEnv, [&results](const ItemType& x) { results.push_back(x); }); } /** * Returns a depth-first iterator over all items in the tree. */ Items items() { build(); return Items(*this); } /** * Iterate over all items added thus far. Explicitly does not build * the tree. */ template void iterate(F&& func) { auto n = built() ? numItems : nodes.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { func(nodes[i].getItem()); } } /// @} /// \defgroup remove Item removal /// @{ bool remove(const BoundsType& itemEnv, const ItemType& item) { if (root == nullptr) { return false; } if (root->isLeaf()) { if (!root->isDeleted() && root->getItem() == item) { root->removeItem(); return true; } return false; } return remove(itemEnv, *root, item); } /// @} /// \defgroup introspect Introspection /// @{ /** Determine whether the tree has been built, and no more items may be added. */ bool built() const { return root != nullptr; } /** Determine whether the tree has been built, and no more items may be added. */ const Node* getRoot() { build(); return root; } /// @} /** Build the tree if it has not already been built. */ void build() { std::lock_guard lock(lock_); if (built()) { return; } if (nodes.empty()) { return; } numItems = nodes.size(); // compute final size of tree and set it aside in a single // block of memory auto finalSize = treeSize(numItems); nodes.reserve(finalSize); // begin and end define a range of nodes needing parents auto begin = nodes.begin(); auto end = nodes.end(); while (std::distance(begin, end) > 1) { createParentNodes(begin, end); begin = end; // parents just added become children in the next round end = nodes.end(); } assert(finalSize == nodes.size()); root = &nodes.back(); } protected: std::mutex lock_; NodeList nodes; //**< a list of all leaf and branch nodes in the tree. */ Node* root; //**< a pointer to the root node, if the tree has been built. */ size_t nodeCapacity; //*< maximum number of children of each node */ size_t numItems; //*< total number of items in the tree, if it has been built. */ // Prevent instantiation of base class. // ~TemplateSTRtreeImpl() = default; void createLeafNode(ItemType&& item, const BoundsType& env) { nodes.emplace_back(std::forward(item), env); } void createLeafNode(const ItemType& item, const BoundsType& env) { nodes.emplace_back(item, env); } void createBranchNode(const Node *begin, const Node *end) { assert(nodes.size() < nodes.capacity()); nodes.emplace_back(begin, end); } // calculate what the tree size will be when it is build. This is simply // a version of createParentNodes that doesn't actually create anything. size_t treeSize(size_t numLeafNodes) { size_t nodesInTree = numLeafNodes; size_t nodesWithoutParents = numLeafNodes; while (nodesWithoutParents > 1) { auto numSlices = sliceCount(nodesWithoutParents); auto nodesPerSlice = sliceCapacity(nodesWithoutParents, numSlices); size_t parentNodesAdded = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < numSlices; j++) { auto nodesInSlice = std::min(nodesWithoutParents, nodesPerSlice); nodesWithoutParents -= nodesInSlice; parentNodesAdded += static_cast(std::ceil( static_cast(nodesInSlice) / static_cast(nodeCapacity))); } nodesInTree += parentNodesAdded; nodesWithoutParents = parentNodesAdded; } return nodesInTree; } void createParentNodes(const NodeListIterator& begin, const NodeListIterator& end) { // Arrange child nodes in two dimensions. // First, divide them into vertical slices of a given size (left-to-right) // Then create nodes within those slices (bottom-to-top) auto numChildren = static_cast(std::distance(begin, end)); auto numSlices = sliceCount(numChildren); std::size_t nodesPerSlice = sliceCapacity(numChildren, numSlices); // We could sort all of the nodes here, but we don't actually need them to be // completely sorted. They need to be sorted enough for each node to end up // in the right vertical slice, but their relative position within the slice // doesn't matter. So we do a partial sort for each slice below instead. sortNodesX(begin, end); auto startOfSlice = begin; for (decltype(numSlices) j = 0; j < numSlices; j++) { auto nodesRemaining = static_cast(std::distance(startOfSlice, end)); auto nodesInSlice = std::min(nodesRemaining, nodesPerSlice); auto endOfSlice = std::next(startOfSlice, static_cast(nodesInSlice)); // Make sure that every node that should be in this slice ends up somewhere // between startOfSlice and endOfSlice. We don't require any ordering among // nodes between startOfSlice and endOfSlice. //partialSortNodes(startOfSlice, endOfSlice, end); addParentNodesFromVerticalSlice(startOfSlice, endOfSlice); startOfSlice = endOfSlice; } } void addParentNodesFromVerticalSlice(const NodeListIterator& begin, const NodeListIterator& end) { if (BoundsTraits::TwoDimensional::value) { sortNodesY(begin, end); } // Arrange the nodes vertically and full up parent nodes sequentially until they're full. // A possible improvement would be to rework this such so that if we have 81 nodes we // put 9 into each parent instead of 10 or 1. auto firstChild = begin; while (firstChild != end) { auto childrenRemaining = static_cast(std::distance(firstChild, end)); auto childrenForNode = std::min(nodeCapacity, childrenRemaining); auto lastChild = std::next(firstChild, static_cast(childrenForNode)); //partialSortNodes(firstChild, lastChild, end); // Ideally we would be able to store firstChild and lastChild instead of // having to convert them to pointers, but I wasn't sure how to access // the NodeListIterator type from within Node without creating some weird // circular dependency. const Node *ptr_first = &*firstChild; const Node *ptr_end = ptr_first + childrenForNode; createBranchNode(ptr_first, ptr_end); firstChild = lastChild; } } void sortNodesX(const NodeListIterator& begin, const NodeListIterator& end) { std::sort(begin, end, [](const Node &a, const Node &b) { return BoundsTraits::getX(a.getBounds()) < BoundsTraits::getX(b.getBounds()); }); } void sortNodesY(const NodeListIterator& begin, const NodeListIterator& end) { std::sort(begin, end, [](const Node &a, const Node &b) { return BoundsTraits::getY(a.getBounds()) < BoundsTraits::getY(b.getBounds()); }); } // Helper function to visit an item using a visitor that has no return value. // In this case, we will always return true, indicating that querying should // continue. template()(std::declval()))>::value, std::nullptr_t>::type = nullptr > bool visitLeaf(Visitor&& visitor, const Node& node) { visitor(node.getItem()); return true; } // MSVC 2015 does not implement C++11 expression SFINAE and considers this a // redefinition of a previous method #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1910 template()(std::declval(), std::declval()))>::value, std::nullptr_t>::type = nullptr > bool visitLeaf(Visitor&& visitor, const Node& node) { visitor(node.getBounds(), node.getItem()); return true; } #endif // If the visitor function does return a value, we will use this to indicate // that querying should continue. template()(std::declval()))>::value, std::nullptr_t>::type = nullptr> bool visitLeaf(Visitor&& visitor, const Node& node) { return visitor(node.getItem()); } // MSVC 2015 does not implement C++11 expression SFINAE and considers this a // redefinition of a previous method #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1910 template()(std::declval(), std::declval()))>::value, std::nullptr_t>::type = nullptr> bool visitLeaf(Visitor&& visitor, const Node& node) { return visitor(node.getBounds(), node.getItem()); } #endif template void query(const BoundsType& queryEnv, const Node& node, Visitor&& visitor) { assert(!node.isLeaf()); for (auto *child = node.beginChildren(); child < node.endChildren(); ++child) { if (child->boundsIntersect(queryEnv)) { if (child->isLeaf() && !child->isDeleted()) { if (!visitLeaf(visitor, *child)) { return; } } else { query(queryEnv, *child, visitor); } } } } bool remove(const BoundsType& queryEnv, const Node& node, const ItemType& item) { assert(!node.isLeaf()); for (auto *child = node.beginChildren(); child < node.endChildren(); ++child) { if (child->boundsIntersect(queryEnv)) { if (child->isLeaf()) { if (!child->isDeleted() && child->getItem() == item) { // const cast is ugly, but alternative seems to be to remove all // const qualifiers in Node and open up mutability everywhere? auto mutableChild = const_cast(child); mutableChild->removeItem(); return true; } } else { bool removed = remove(queryEnv, *child, item); if (removed) { return true; } } } } return false; } size_t sliceCount(size_t numNodes) const { double minLeafCount = std::ceil(static_cast(numNodes) / static_cast(nodeCapacity)); return static_cast(std::ceil(std::sqrt(minLeafCount))); } static size_t sliceCapacity(size_t numNodes, size_t numSlices) { return static_cast(std::ceil(static_cast(numNodes) / static_cast(numSlices))); } }; struct EnvelopeTraits { using BoundsType = geom::Envelope; using TwoDimensional = std::true_type; static bool intersects(const BoundsType& a, const BoundsType& b) { return a.intersects(b); } static double size(const BoundsType& a) { return a.getArea(); } static double distance(const BoundsType& a, const BoundsType& b) { return a.distance(b); } static BoundsType empty() { return {}; } template static const BoundsType& fromItem(const ItemType& i) { return *(i->getEnvelopeInternal()); } template static const BoundsType& fromItem(ItemType&& i) { return *(i->getEnvelopeInternal()); } static double getX(const BoundsType& a) { return a.getMinX() + a.getMaxX(); } static double getY(const BoundsType& a) { return a.getMinY() + a.getMaxY(); } static void expandToInclude(BoundsType& a, const BoundsType& b) { a.expandToInclude(b); } static bool isNull(const BoundsType& a) { return a.isNull(); } }; struct IntervalTraits { using BoundsType = Interval; using TwoDimensional = std::false_type; static bool intersects(const BoundsType& a, const BoundsType& b) { return a.intersects(&b); } static double size(const BoundsType& a) { return a.getWidth(); } static double getX(const BoundsType& a) { return a.getMin() + a.getMax(); } static double getY(const BoundsType& a) { return a.getMin() + a.getMax(); } static void expandToInclude(BoundsType& a, const BoundsType& b) { a.expandToInclude(&b); } static bool isNull(const BoundsType& a) { (void) a; return false; } }; template class TemplateSTRtree : public TemplateSTRtreeImpl { public: using TemplateSTRtreeImpl::TemplateSTRtreeImpl; }; // When ItemType is a pointer and our bounds are geom::Envelope, adopt // the SpatialIndex interface which requires queries via an envelope // and items to be representable as void*. template class TemplateSTRtree : public TemplateSTRtreeImpl, public SpatialIndex { public: using TemplateSTRtreeImpl::TemplateSTRtreeImpl; using TemplateSTRtreeImpl::insert; using TemplateSTRtreeImpl::query; using TemplateSTRtreeImpl::remove; // The SpatialIndex methods only work when we are storing a pointer type. void query(const geom::Envelope* queryEnv, std::vector& results) override { query(*queryEnv, [&results](const ItemType* x) { results.push_back(const_cast(static_cast(x))); }); } void query(const geom::Envelope* queryEnv, ItemVisitor& visitor) override { query(*queryEnv, [&visitor](const ItemType* x) { visitor.visitItem(const_cast(static_cast(x))); }); } bool remove(const geom::Envelope* itemEnv, void* item) override { return remove(*itemEnv, static_cast(item)); } void insert(const geom::Envelope* itemEnv, void* item) override { insert(*itemEnv, std::move(static_cast(item))); } }; } } }