/********************************************************************** * * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source * http://geos.osgeo.org * * Copyright (C) 2020 Paul Ramsey * * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * See the COPYING file for more information. * ********************************************************************** * * Last port: algorithm/construct/LargestEmptyCircle.java * https://github.com/locationtech/jts/commit/98274a7ea9b40651e9de6323dc10fb2cac17a245 * **********************************************************************/ #ifndef GEOS_ALGORITHM_CONSTRUCT_LARGESTCIRCLE_H #define GEOS_ALGORITHM_CONSTRUCT_LARGESTCIRCLE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace geos { namespace geom { class Coordinate; class Envelope; class Geometry; class GeometryFactory; class LineString; class Point; } namespace operation { namespace distance { class IndexedFacetDistance; } } } namespace geos { namespace algorithm { // geos::algorithm namespace construct { // geos::algorithm::construct /** * Constructs the Largest Empty Circle for a set of obstacle geometries, * up to a specified tolerance. The obstacles are point and line geometries. * * The Largest Empty Circle is the largest circle which has its center * in the convex hull of the obstacles (the boundary), and whose * interior does not intersect with any obstacle. The circle center * is the point in the interior of the boundary which has the * farthest distance from the obstacles (up to tolerance). * The circle is determined by the center point and a point lying * on an obstacle indicating the circle radius. * * The implementation uses a successive-approximation technique * over a grid of square cells covering the obstacles and boundary. * The grid is refined using a branch-and-bound algorithm. Point * containment and distance are computed in a performant way * by using spatial indexes. * * \author Martin Davis */ class GEOS_DLL LargestEmptyCircle { public: /** * Creates a new instance of a Largest Empty Circle construction. * * @param p_obstacles a geometry representing the obstacles (points and lines) * @param p_tolerance the distance tolerance for computing the circle center point */ LargestEmptyCircle(const geom::Geometry* p_obstacles, double p_tolerance); LargestEmptyCircle(const geom::Geometry* p_obstacles, const geom::Geometry* p_boundary, double p_tolerance); ~LargestEmptyCircle() = default; /** * Computes the center point of the Largest Empty Circle * within a set of obstacles, up to a given tolerance distance. * * @param p_obstacles a geometry representing the obstacles (points and lines) * @param p_tolerance the distance tolerance for computing the center point * @return the center point of the Largest Empty Circle */ static std::unique_ptr getCenter(const geom::Geometry* p_obstacles, double p_tolerance); /** * Computes a radius line of the Largest Empty Circle * within a set of obstacles, up to a given distance tolerance. * * @param p_obstacles a geometry representing the obstacles (points and lines) * @param p_tolerance the distance tolerance for computing the center point * @return a line from the center of the circle to a point on the edge */ static std::unique_ptr getRadiusLine(const geom::Geometry* p_obstacles, double p_tolerance); std::unique_ptr getCenter(); std::unique_ptr getRadiusPoint(); std::unique_ptr getRadiusLine(); private: /* private members */ double tolerance; const geom::Geometry* obstacles; const geom::GeometryFactory* factory; std::unique_ptr boundary; // convexhull(obstacles) operation::distance::IndexedFacetDistance obstacleDistance; bool done; std::unique_ptr ptLocator; std::unique_ptr boundaryDistance; geom::Coordinate centerPt; geom::Coordinate radiusPt; /* private methods */ void setBoundary(const geom::Geometry* obstacles); /** * Computes the signed distance from a point to the constraints * (obstacles and boundary). * Points outside the boundary polygon are assigned a negative distance. * Their containing cells will be last in the priority queue * (but will still end up being tested since they may be refined). * * @param c the point to compute the distance for * @return the signed distance to the constraints (negative indicates outside the boundary) */ double distanceToConstraints(const geom::Coordinate& c); double distanceToConstraints(double x, double y); void compute(); /* private class */ class Cell { private: static constexpr double SQRT2 = 1.4142135623730951; double x; double y; double hSize; double distance; double maxDist; public: Cell(double p_x, double p_y, double p_hSize, double p_distanceToConstraints) : x(p_x) , y(p_y) , hSize(p_hSize) , distance(p_distanceToConstraints) , maxDist(p_distanceToConstraints + (p_hSize*SQRT2)) {}; geom::Envelope getEnvelope() const { geom::Envelope env(x-hSize, x+hSize, y-hSize, y+hSize); return env; } bool isFullyOutside() const { return maxDist < 0.0; } bool isOutside() const { return distance < 0.0; } double getMaxDistance() const { return maxDist; } double getDistance() const { return distance; } double getHSize() const { return hSize; } double getX() const { return x; } double getY() const { return y; } bool operator< (const Cell& rhs) const { return maxDist < rhs.maxDist; } bool operator> (const Cell& rhs) const { return maxDist > rhs.maxDist; } bool operator==(const Cell& rhs) const { return maxDist == rhs.maxDist; } }; bool mayContainCircleCenter(const Cell& cell, const Cell& farthestCell); void createInitialGrid(const geom::Envelope* env, std::priority_queue& cellQueue); Cell createCentroidCell(const geom::Geometry* geom); }; } // geos::algorithm::construct } // geos::algorithm } // geos #endif // GEOS_ALGORITHM_CONSTRUCT_LARGESTCIRCLE_H