
J = imhdome(I::GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}, H; conn=4)::GMTimage

keywords: GMT, Julia, image morphology, HDome transform

Suppress regional minima in image using H-minima transform.

The H-minima transform decreases the depth of all regional minima by an amount up to H. As a result, the transform fully suppresses regional minima whose depth is less than H. Regional minima are connected pixels with the same intensity value, t, that are surrounded by pixels with an intensity value greater than t.


  • I::GMTimage{<:UInt8, 2}: Input image.

  • H: height below the filling maskhdome; must be >= 0 (words of the Leptonica pixHDome() docs)


  • conn::Int=4: Connectivity value used to identify the regional maxima in I (4 or 8). Default is 4.


A new GMTimage of the same type as I.

See Also

imhmax, imhmin